one of twomainstops(= sets ofpipes)of apipeorgan:
(管风琴的)主音栓Thepipesplaywithopen,stopped, anddoublediapason.管风琴通过开管、闭管和低音主音栓演奏。
One of thelargestand mostfundamentaldiapasons, or sets ofpipes, was given away.最大、最重要的主音栓之一便显露出来。
amusicalsoundthatsuddenlygetslouder, like thesoundof anorgan:
(管风琴等)陡然变强的乐音Thehymnrosein aswellingdiapason.随着陡然而起的强音,圣歌也越来越嘹亮。
therangeofsoundsornotesmade by something:
旋律,曲调Eachtricklecontributesitstinywarbleto the diapason of thewaterfall.每一条涓涓细流都为瀑布的旋律贡献着自己微小的莺声燕语。
atuning fork
音叉(同 tuning fork)
PhotoMelon/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thisorganincorporatespartsof theoriginalorganand also apedalopendiapason given as agiftto thechurch.
- Theorganswelledin amuteddiapason,soondroppingto analmostinaudibletone.
- Theshatteringsymphoniesordyingmurmursof theorgansuggestedtherushingof thewindthrough theforest, then thefulldiapason of thestorm.
- Theforksaretunedto a Diapasonnormal, also calledlowpitchorFrenchpitch.
Musical instruments
- accordion
- acoustically
- aerophone
- alphorn
- alto
- drum machine
- drumbeat
- drumroll
- drumstick
- dulcimer
- pedal steel
- penny whistle
- percussion
- percussionist
- percussive
- tuning peg
- ukulele
- unpitched
- unplugged
- untuned
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sound & its properties
Technical music terms
thefullrangeof something:
(活动、情绪等的)范围,领域We can'tquitefindit inourheartstosoundthe diapason ofourdisgustat what he has done.我们实在不忍心充分表达对他所作所为的厌恶之情。
Range and limits
- all the way toidiom
- ambit
- anywhere
- band
- bound
- condition
- glass ceiling
- limit
- limited
- meta
- multiparameter
- realm
- restricted
- scope
- specialized
- spectrum
- spread
- stretch
- string
- strings attachedidiom