diploma mill
USdisapprovinguk/dɪˈpləʊ.mə ˌmɪl/us/dɪˈploʊ.mə ˌmɪl/anorganizationthat giveseducationalqualificationstopeopleinexchangeformoney, without them having to do any or muchstudying:
滥发文凭的大学,文凭工厂,野鸡大学We are not adiplomamilland have anacademicallyrigorousprogramme.我们可不是什么野鸡大学,而是提供学术严谨的课程。
The Professional StandardsCommissionrevokedthelicencesof 11educatorswhoboughtonlinedegreesfrom adiplomamill.专业标准委员会取消了11名从文凭工厂购买在线学位的教师的工作资格。
- With theinternet,suddenlydiplomamillscouldbasetheiroperationsanywhereon theglobe.
- Many of thepeopleworkingwith me gottheirMasters orPhDthroughdiplomamills.
- When hereviewedtheresumes, hefoundhundreds thatlistedknowndiplomamills.
- In the late 1800s, manyphysicianshaddegreesfromdiplomamillsand nopracticalexperience.
Qualifications: university & college
- AB
- associate's degree
- BA
- bachelor's degree
- bed
- chartered
- emerita
- emeritus
- graduation
- honorary
- honors degree
- honours degree
- MPhil
- MSc
- non-degree
- pass degree
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education
- summa cum laude
- tripos