uk/ˈdaɪ.pəʊl/us/ˈdaɪ.poʊl/dipolenoun[C](IN SCIENCE)
twopolesthat haveoppositeandequalelectricalchargeormagneticforce, with aspacebetween them:
偶极子GeomagneticSouthPolerepresentstheaxisof the Earth'smagneticdipole.地磁南极代表地球磁偶极子的轴。
amoleculewith anareaofnegativechargeand anareaofpositivechargethat areseparated:
偶极子Manymolecules(such as those ofwater) areelectricdipoles,meaningthat they have apartialpositivechargeat one end and apartialnegativechargeat the other.许多分子(例如水分子)都是电偶极子,也就是说分子的一端含部分正电荷,另一端含部分负电荷。
- By Maxwell'stime, it wasclearthat theelectromagneticfieldwas themeansby whichelectricalchargesandmagneticdipolesacton each other at adistance.
- If the dipolarity of thegeneratorin thepowersystemislost,mechanicalenergyhas to befedinto theshaftof thegeneratorstorestorethe dipole.
- Thecentreofpositivechargedoes notcoincidewith thecentreofnegativecharge; we say that thebondispolaror that it has a dipole.
- ThebentmoleculeH2O has a dipole, but thelinearCO2(O=C=O) does not.
Physics: energy, force & power
- anti-gravity
- attract
- attraction
- bar magnet
- barometric pressure
- dynamo
- fundamental force
- G-force
- gravitational
- high-impact
- incident
- meltdown
- propulsion
- stored energy
- surface tension
- thermodynamic
- transduce
- transduction
- unexcited
- unipolar
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physics: atoms, molecules & sub-atomic particles
dipolenoun[C](FOR RADIO)
(alsodipole antenna)
asimpletypeofradioaerial(= astructurethatreceivesorsendsoutradiosignals)that isshapedlike theletterT:
偶极子天线With most FMradiostationstoday, averticaldipole gives as muchsignalas ahorizontalone.对如今大多数的调频广播电台来说,垂直偶极子天线和水平偶极子天线发出的信号的强度是一样的。

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- The world's firstradioastronomer, hepresidedover afieldof dipoles (antennas) 3,500feetindiameterwhilecontinuinghisprivateresearch.
- I use a 440mHztransmitterradiowith a 6.5"horizontaldipoleantenna.
Broadcasting: radio
- am
- antenna
- anti-jamming
- anti-radar
- autotune
- bandwidth
- beacon
- CB
- LW
- medium wave
- multi-wavelength
- multichannel
- MW
- receiver
- short wave
- shout-out
- tranny
- transponder
- tuner