释义 |
A1tostopbeingalive, eithersuddenlyorslowly: Twelvepeopledied in theaccident.12人在此次事故中丧生。 She diedof/fromhunger/cancer/aheartattack/herinjuries.她死于饥饿/癌症/心脏病/伤病。 Do theycountpeoplewho diewithCovid-19(= who have it when they die)? It is abravepersonwho will diefortheirbeliefs.愿为信念而死的人称得上是勇敢者。 I would like to diein mysleep(= while I amsleeping).我愿在睡梦中死去。 Manypeoplehave afearof dying.很多人害怕死亡。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto stop living - dieMy dog died last week.
- die a natural/violent deathShe dies a natural death at home, surrounded by loved ones.
- pass awayHe passed away peacefully in hospital.
- pass onI'm sorry to hear that your grandfather has passed on.
- passUSMy father passed last year.
See more results » die a natural/violent/etc. death to dienaturally,violently, etc.: 自然死亡/死于非命等He died aviolentdeath.他死于非命。 See moretostopexistingorcontinuing; to end: Ourlovewill never die.我们的爱将永不消逝。 Smallcoveredmarketsareslowlydying,unabletocompetewithsupermarkets. informalIf amachine,battery, orphonedies, itstopsworking, usually because it has nopower: (通常因为没有电而)停止运转,报废 Theenginejust diedonus.那台发动机刚好报废在我们手里。 I'msorryI didn'treplytoyourtext- myphonedied.对不起,我没有回你的短信,我的电话没有电了。 - These men arereadyto die fortheircountry.
- When thequeendies, hereldestsonwillsucceedto thethrone.
- We had a very hardwinterlastyearand some of theplantsdied.
- Trees are dying inareaswhereacidrainis mostprevalent.
- Ifdisturbed, thebirdmayabandonthenest,leavingthechicksto die.
- She won'ttellanyone; thesecretwill die with her.
- Theirgoalis tosalvageculturaltraditionsthat wouldotherwisedie.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDeath and dying - be as dead as a doornailidiom
- bereave
- bite
- bleed out
- buy the farmidiom
- cadaveric
- death toll
- depart this lifeidiom
- fatality
- ghost
- morbid
- necrophiliac
- perch
- predecease
- push
- remains
- shuffle off this mortal coilidiom
- starvation
- toll
- watery
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Ends and endings Non-existence and not being Machines - not functioning Idiomsalmost/nearly die ofsomething be dying for/to dosomething die a/the death die hard do or die never say die or die in the attempt to die for to/untilmydying day Phrasal verbsdie away die down die off die out dienoun[C](TOOL)ashapedpieceormould(=hollowcontainer)made ofmetalor other hardmaterial, used toshapeor put apatternonmetalorplastic 模具SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesModels & moulds - cardboard cutout
- cast
- diorama
- mock
- mocksomethingup
- model
- mould
- precast
- recreation
- scale
- section
- truckle
- wireframe
dienoun[C](GAME)USalso orold use(UKdice)asmallcube(=objectwith sixequalsquaresides)with a differentnumberofspotson eachside, used ingamesinvolvingchance 掷骰子类游戏  hammerston/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMiscellaneous games & activities - air hockey
- beer pong
- bran tub
- buildering
- bungee
- cage diving
- Frisbee
- horseshoe
- juggling
- jump rope
- keepy-uppy
- korfball
- pinball machine
- raffle
- stoop ball
- story mode
- subworld
- sudoku
- table football
See more results » (Definition ofdiefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)A1tostoplivingorexisting, eithersuddenlyorslowly 死去,死亡,过世Twelvepeopledied in theaccident.12人在此次事故中丧生。 She diedof/fromhunger/cancer/aheartattack/herinjuries.她死于饥饿/癌症/心脏病/伤病。 It is abravepersonwho will diefortheirbeliefs.愿为信念而死的人称得上是勇敢者。 I would like to diein mysleep(= while I amsleeping).我愿在睡梦中死去。 Manypeoplehave afearof dying.很多人害怕死亡。 Ourlovewill never die.我们的爱将永不消逝。 She will nottellanyone - thesecretwill die with her.她不会告诉任何人——这个秘密会烂在她的肚子里。 die a natural/violent death to dienaturally,violently, etc. 自然死亡/死于非命等He died aviolentdeath.他死于非命。 Mygrandmotherdied anaturaldeath(= did not die ofillnessor because she waskilled), as she would havewanted.我祖母寿终正寝,这是她所希望的结局。 informalIf amachine,battery, orphonedies, itstopsworking, usually because it has nopower. (通常因为没有电而)停止运转,报废Theenginejust diedonus.那台发动机刚好报废在我们手里。 I'msorryI didn'treplytoyourtext- myphonedied.对不起,我没有回你的短信,我的电话没有电了。 - These men arereadyto die fortheircountry.
- When thequeendies, hereldestsonwillsucceedto thethrone.
- We had a very hardwinterlastyearand some of theplantsdied.
- Trees are dying inareaswhereacidrainis mostprevalent.
- Ifdisturbed, thebirdmayabandonthenest,leavingthechicksto die.
Idiomsalmost/nearly die ofsth be dying for/to dosth die a/the death die hard do or die never say die or die in the attempt to die for to/untilmydying day Phrasal verbsdie away die down die off die out dienoun[C](TOOL)ashapedpieceormould(=hollowcontainer)made ofmetalor other hardmaterial, used toshapeor put apatternonmetalorplastic 模具 dienoun[C](GAME)USalso orold use(UKdice)asmallcube(=objectwith sixequalsquaresides)with a differentnumberofspotson eachside, used ingamesinvolvingchance 掷骰子类游戏 He died of aheartattack. She died in hersleepat theageof 94. fig.Theenginejust died(=stoppedworking). If you say that you could have/nearlydied of aparticularfeeling, youmeanthat youfeltthefeelingverystrongly: I was soembarrassed, I could have died. be dying To be dying to do something, or for something, is to beeagerto do or to have it: I’m dying tohearthenews. I’m dying for acupofcoffee. (Definition ofdiefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofdiedie In addition, 5 participants died, 5 participants reported being too ill to participate, and 3 were lost due to relocation or other reasons.From theCambridge English Corpus Between 1996 and 1998, 229 plants died and 629 stems recruited into the 30 cm size class.From theCambridge English Corpus Fifteen infants survived but one baby died in the neonatal period.From theCambridge English Corpus Birth intervals in the ' known to have died ' category therefore have a very different distribution from those in the ' known to have survived' group.From theCambridge English Corpus Many saplings survived the attack, whereas most seedlings had died already.From theCambridge English Corpus If one parent died, the surviving parent became the legal guardian of any minor children.From theCambridge English Corpus Associated with the dwindling in size is the production of poor unhealthy top-growth which tends todieoff prematurely.From theCambridge English Corpus If it fails to do this, the organism will ultimatelydieas systems fail.From theCambridge English Corpus The carer can now serve the dying with compassion, deep caring, professional knowledge, and comfort in the presence of the patient.From theCambridge English Corpus At age 6 nobody receives any bequests because the parent is at age 11 and is going todiefor certain.From theCambridge English Corpus A fortnight later, the correspondent discovered that the man and child were recovering but that another child had died from fever.From theCambridge English Corpus In the overall series of experiments, we marked approximately 330 embryos, of which about 10% died before reaching the desired endpoint.From theCambridge English Corpus Moreover, the emphasis upon the active negotiating participants has allowed us to totally ignore the significance death and mortuary practices have for those dying.From theCambridge English Corpus He died rather suddenly and was buried in the shrine complex.From theCambridge English Corpus According to the headman of the town, cattle live well here but horsesdieoff soon after ai^rival.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/die## |