uk/ˈdaɪ.ɪn/us/ˈdaɪ.ɪn/atypeofprotestin which agroupofpeopleliedown in apublicplaceas if they aredeadandrefusetoleaveorallownormalactivitiestocontinuethere:
(为抗议而举行的)集体躺倒,拟死示威Organizers say they areplanningtostagea "die-in" at the end of themarch.组织者表示,他们计划在游行结束时举行 "拟死示威"。
More than 1,000peoplehavesignedup toliedown at the die-in, which ismeanttorepresentpeoplewho havediedin thewar.已经有超过1000人报名参加拟死示威活动,以纪念那些在战争中死去的人们。
- "We'recommittedprotesters," he says of hisgroup, which will bestaginga "die-in,"actingdeadso thatpolicewill have tocarrythem away.
- Thecampaigncontinuestoday with a die-in, during whichstudentswilltracechalkoutlinesof each other atspotsaroundcampustorepresentthevictimsof thecrisis.
- Peasantfarmersandtheirsupportersliein themiddleof theroad- a "die-in", they say, tosymbolisetheirstruggleforlandreformandfood.
- There will be acivildisobediencedie-in andvigilagainstwarfundingby thegroup.
Activism & pressure groups
- activism
- activist
- agitation
- agitator
- agitprop
- clicktivism
- clicktivist
- counter-demonstrate
- counter-demonstration
- counter-demonstrator
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- interest group
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- take a kneeidiom