thefoodanddrinkusuallyeatenordrunkby apersonorgroup:
(日常)饮食Dietvariesbetween differentcountriesin theworld.世界各国的饮食各不相同。
Rice is thestaplediet(= mostimportantfood)of manypeopleinChina.在中国大米是很多人的主食。
Thechildrenseemtoexiston a dietoffriedfood.孩子们好像离不开油炸食品。
aneatingplanin which someoneeatslessfood, or onlyparticulartypesoffood, because theywanttobecomethinneror formedicalreasons:
节食,限制饮食I'mgoing ona diet nextweekandhopetolosetenpoundsbeforeChristmas.下周我要节食,希望在圣诞节之前能减掉十磅。
Thedoctorputmeona low-salt diet toreducemybloodpressure.为了降低血压,医生规定我要低盐饮食。
aparticulartypeof thing that youexperienceor doregularly, or alimitedrangeofactivities:
程序,套路;有限的几种活动He wasbroughtup on a dietofpoliticalpropagandafrombirth.他一出生就开始接受老一套的政治宣传。
Network TV onlyoffersa dietofbadrealityshowseverynight.每天晚上电视播放的都是几部劣质的真人秀。
- Yourskinwouldclearif you had ahealthierdiet.
- I'mafraidI'm not a very goodadvertisementfor the diet since I'veactuallyput onweight!
- Freshfruitandvegetablesare anessentialcomponentof ahealthydiet.
- A good diethelpsbuildthe body'snaturaldefences.
- Thedeformationof theboneswascausedbypoordiet.
Diets & dieting
- caloric
- calorie-controlled
- calorific
- carb-free
- clean eating
- cleanse
- detox
- diabetic
- dieter
- fatty
- functional food
- ketogenic diet
- lacto-ovo vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarianism
- locavore
- macrobiotic
- nutraceutical
- weight loss
- well balanced
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Standard and routine
Habitual behaviour
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈdaɪ.ət/us/ˈdaɪ.ət/Dietfoodordrinkcontainslesssugarorfatthan theusualtype, and oftencontainsanartificialsweetener:
Various qualities of food
- candy coat
- candy-coated
- citric
- cordon bleu
- creaminess
- farmhouse
- fruity
- halal
- herby
- homegrown
- homemade
- hoppy
- nutritious
- nutty
- ripe
- salted
- sharpness
- single-estate
- store-bought
- sugar-coated
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Diets & dieting
uk/ˈdaɪ.ət/us/ˈdaɪ.ət/tolimitthefoodand/ordrinkthat you have,especiallyinordertoloseweight:
(尤指为减肥而)节食,控制饮食You should beabletoreduceyourweightbycarefuldieting.通过小心控制饮食你应该可以减轻体重。
Diets & dieting
- caloric
- calorie-controlled
- calorific
- carb-free
- clean eating
- cleanse
- detox
- diabetic
- dieter
- fatty
- functional food
- ketogenic diet
- lacto-ovo vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarianism
- locavore
- macrobiotic
- nutraceutical
- weight loss
- well balanced