uk/ˈdɪf.ər.əns/us/ˈdɪf.ɚ.əns/differencenoun(NOT THE SAME)
the way in which two or more things which you arecomparingare not the same:
区别,差别,不同What's the differencebetweenanapeand amonkey?猿和猴有什么区别?
Is there anysignificantdifferenceinqualitybetweenthese twoitems?这两件东西在质量方面有明显的差别吗?
a difference
- differenceWhat's the difference between the two cars?
- distinctionThere's a clear distinction between the two countries' cultures.
- contrastI like the contrast of those red shoes with your black suit.
- discrepancyThere is some discrepancy between the two accounts.
- chasmThere is a widening chasm between public health officials and popular opinion.
- gulfPeace talks attempted to bridge the gulf between the two warring nations.
- Can youtellthe the difference betweenpoisonousmushroomsandediblevarieties?
- Iforgettheexactagedifference betweenMarkand hisbrother- they're two or threeyearsapart.
- There's not much difference between the twoproducts.
- There's abigdifference betweenstartingup abusinessand justtalkingabout it.
- The things whichbindthe two of them together aregreaterthantheirdifferences.
Different and difference
- altered
- alternative
- anomalous
- another
- anything
- dissimilar
- dissimilitude
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctive
- non-typical
- non-uniform
- non-uniformity
- nonequivalence
- nonequivalent
- variant
- variation
- varied
- various
- various and sundryidiom
differencenoun(NOT AGREEING)
C2[Cusually plural]
分歧,争论,争议They had aterribleargumenta fewweeksago, but now they'vesettled/resolvedtheirdifferences.几个星期前他们发生过一次激烈的争吵,不过现在他们的分歧已经消除了。
have a difference of opinion
意见不一致,有分歧They had a difference ofopinionabout/overtheirchild'seducation.他们在孩子的教育问题上意见不一。
Arguments & disagreements
- argument
- be (on) non-speakersidiom
- belligerence
- bickering
- blow(someone/something)up
- bust up
- clash
- contentiousness
- contretemps
- ding-dong
- dispute
- dust-up
- hostility
- kerfuffle
- misunderstanding
- personality clash
- rhubarb
- scrap
- spat
- squabble
theamountby which one thing is different from another:
There's abigdifferenceinagebetweenthem.他们年龄相差很大。
There's a differenceofeightyearsbetweenthem.他们之间差八岁。
Different and difference
- altered
- alternative
- anomalous
- another
- anything
- dissimilar
- dissimilitude
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctive
- non-typical
- non-uniform
- non-uniformity
- nonequivalence
- nonequivalent
- variant
- variation
- varied
- various
- various and sundryidiom
for all the differencesomethingmakes
make a difference
make the difference
not make any difference
with a difference