to show orfindthedifferencebetween things that arecompared:
区别,分清,辨别We do not differentiatebetweenouremployeeson thebasisoftheirrace,religion, ornationalorigin.我们不会因员工的种族、宗教或原籍国不同而区别对待。
Mostconsumershave notroubledifferentiatingourbrand'scerealfromourleadingcompetitor's.
Serviceprovidersare allkeento differentiatethemselvesfromtheircompetitors.
to make someone or something different:
使不同,使产生差异Theslateroofdifferentiates thishousefromothersin thearea.石板瓦屋顶使这座房子在该地区与众不同。
Welookforfeaturesthat differentiate theproducts.
- We mustcarefullydifferentiate betweenfactandopinion.
- Thesyndromesare verysimilarand can be hard to differentiate.
- Pleaseexplainwhy youwanttoworkin thisroleand what differentiates you from otherapplicants.
Comparing and contrasting
- analogy
- antithesis
- apple
- as againstidiom
- balance
- balancesomethingagainstsomething
- comparative
- competitive
- competitively
- contradistinction
- contrast
- contrastive
- gold standard
- measure
- perspective
- relative
- relatively
- relativist
- self-differentiation
- stack up
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Being and appearing different
(ofcellsortissue) todevelopspecializedstructuresorfunctions:
Thecelldividesand differentiates toformnew,specializedtissue.
Embryonicstemcellsareableto differentiateintoanycelltype.
Suchcelllinescan beinducedto differentiatetocellsthatproduceinsulin.
See also
- Has anyonestudiedthe waysheepmammarytissuesdifferentiate?
- Stemcellscan beinducedto differentiate into thespecificcelltyperequiredtorepairdamagedordepletedadultcells.
- There is apossibilitythat thesecellsare alsocapableof differentiating todiversecelltypesinvitro.
- Afterbirth,musclesare also made fromsatellitecells, which arecapableofdividingthemselves and also of differentiating toformmuscle.
Different and difference
- altered
- alternative
- anomalous
- another
- anything
- dissimilitude
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctive
- distinctively
- non-uniform
- non-uniformity
- nonequivalence
- nonequivalent
- nonhomogeneous
- variation
- varied
- various
- various and sundryidiom
- which is whichidiom
tocalculatethederivativeof afunction:
Differentiate thefollowingfunctionswithrespectto x.
- To differentiate afunctionlike (2x +1)3, the onlymethodavailableto you is to use the binomialtheoremtomultiplyout thebrackets, and then to differentiatetermbyterm.
- You should beableto differentiate avarietyof trigonometricfunctionsusing thechainrule.
- Thematrixofpartialderivativesisobtainedfrom differentiating theequation.
Calculations & calculating
- algebraic
- algebraically
- algo
- algorithmic
- amount
- calculator
- count
- decimal system
- formula
- interpolate
- matrix
- multigrid
- multigroup
- multipole
- non-commutative
- non-commutativity
- number-crunching
- root
- triangulation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Branches & types of mathematics
to use differentteachingmaterialsandmethodswithin the samelessontosuittheabilitiesandneedsof differentstudents:
Thisapproachallowsme to differentiate myinstructionfor all mystudents.
- Teachers aretrainedto differentiatetheirinstructiontosuitarangeofstudentabilitiesandlearningstyles.
- Mostteacherswill be used to differentiatingwork, so should beabletoprovideyourchildwithextensiontasks.
- Hefearsthatpersonalizedlearningwill be used toforceteachersto differentiate bytaskfor everysinglelessontaught.
Teaching in general
- asynchronous
- chief academic officer
- clue
- clue in
- communicative
- didactic
- disciplinary
- instruct
- non-conditioned
- non-didactic
- non-education
- non-educational
- non-teaching
- socialize
- synchronous
- teachsomeonea lessonidiom
- teachable
- that'll teachsomeoneidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Classes & courses