uk/dɪˈspɪr.ɪ.tɪd.nəs/us/dɪˈspɪr.ə.t̬ɪd.nəs/thefeelingof not having muchhopeabout aparticularsituationorproblem:
沮丧,灰心,垂头丧气There is a dispiritedness about theteamthesedays.这些天来,球队有一种灰心丧气的感觉。
- Shesitstherealoneincourt,vulnerable,exudingdispiritedness.
- Booksofherbalmedicinerefer to nigella as aseedthatstimulatesthe body'senergyandhelpsrecoveryfromfatigueand dispiritedness.
- Hispoetrymay bedispiritingratherthaninspiring, but it is this very dispiritedness thatdrawsme to it.
- Thenovelis aportraitof dispiritedness inlaterlife.
Not hopeful
- be in a funkidiom
- be on a hiding to nothingidiom
- bleak
- bleakly
- bleakness
- dispiritingly
- doomed
- doomster
- downcast
- downhearted
- forlorn
- gloom
- hopelessly
- hopelessness
- lose heartidiom
- merchant
- merchant of doom/gloomidiom
- someonecan't winidiom
- undone
- what are you going to do?idiom