盔甲;(尤指护身的)铠甲Policeput onbodyarmour beforeconfrontingthe rioters.警察镇压暴徒前穿上了防弹服。
In the past,knightsused towearsuitsofarmour(=protectivecoveringmade ofmetal)inbattle.在过去,骑士作战时身着甲胄。
Thesegrenadesareabletopiercethe armour oftanks.这些手榴弹可以击穿坦克的装甲。

Eric Van Den Brulle/The Image Bank/GettyImages
militaryvehiclesthat arecoveredinstrongmetaltoprotectthem fromattack:
装甲车辆;装甲部队Thetroopswerebackedbytanks,artillery, and otherheavyarmour.部队有坦克、大炮以及其他的重型装甲战车作后盾。
- TheseRomansoldierswould havewornarmour made fromoverlappingbandsofiron.
- Thegunfiresashellcapableofpiercingthe armour of anenemytank.
- At the Tower of London wesawsomeamazingsuitsof armour.
- Why wasn't thepoliceofficerwearingbodyarmour in such adangeroussituation?
- Themuseumcontainsafinecollectionofmedievalarmsand armour.
Arms & munitions in general
- air-to-air
- air-to-ground
- ammo
- ammunition
- anti-aircraft
- catapult
- chain mail
- chemical weapon
- conventional
- denuclearize
- mustard gas
- offensively
- ordnance
- poison gas
- sarin
- stab vest
- weapons of mass destruction
- weapons-grade
- WMDs
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Army & military vehicles