dog whistle
uk/ˈdɒɡ ˌwɪs.əl/us/ˈdɑːɡ ˌwɪs.əl/dog whistlenoun(TO CALL DOG)
awhistleused totraindogs, with a very highsoundthathumanscannothear
Michael Burrell/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Birds of prey
- bald eagle
- buzzard
- condor
- eagle
- falcon
- golden eagle
- goshawk
- hawk
- kestrel
- kite
- mopoke
- osprey
- owl
- owlet
- peregrine falcon
- raptor
- red kite
- sibilant
- sparrowhawk
- vulture
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sounds made by objects, movement or impact
dog whistlenoun(POLITICS)
aremark,speech,advertisement, etc. by apoliticianthat isintendedto beunderstoodby aparticulargroup,especiallyone withfeelingsofracismorhatred, withoutactuallyexpressingthesefeelings:
(使用编排过的隐语向特定人群传递政治信息的)狗哨Attacks on "politicalcorrectness" can be adogwhistletorallywhitevoters.对 "政治正确"的攻击可以成为凝聚白人选民的“狗哨”。
Remarks & remarking
- air
- annotate
- annotation
- annotator
- backbite
- backbiting
- barb
- commentary
- felicity
- last word
- line
- malediction
- mention
- mot juste
- profundity
- remark
- remark onsomething
- riposte
- sideswipe
- throwaway
dog whistle
adjective[before noun]
(usuallydog-whistle)uk/ˈdɒɡ ˌwɪs.əl/us/ˈdɑːɡ ˌwɪs.əl/disapproving
used todescribepoliticalmessagesthat areintendedto beunderstoodby aparticulargroup,especiallyone withfeelingsofracismorhatred, withoutactuallyexpressingthesefeelings:
Particular and individual
- be the very thingidiom
- biomarker
- calling card
- capita
- certain
- especially
- head
- individual
- individuality
- individualized
- individually
- interindividual
- matter
- monotasking
- pet
- respectively
- separately
- severally
- specific
- specifically