dispose ofsomeone/something
phrasal verbwithdisposeverbformaluk/dɪˈspəʊz/us/dɪˈspoʊz/
to getridof someone or something ordealwith something so that thematterisfinished:
How did theydisposeof thebody?
It took only fiveminutesfor theworldchampiontodisposeof(=defeat)hisopponent.
- Surely there must be abetterway todisposeofnuclearwaste?
- He never uses thatbikeany more, but he's veryreluctanttodisposeof it.
- Somefarmersweredisposingofanimalcarcassesinsecret.
- Hestrangledher with her ownscarfand thendisposedof herbodyin thewoods.
- There is arecyclingbinin thecarparkwhere you candisposeofyourdrinkscans.
Removing and getting rid of things
- abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- erase
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- expunge
- fling
- scrape
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- shucksomethingoff
- sling