alargemodelof ahuman,especiallyone used to showclothesin ashop:
(尤指商店里用来展示服装的)人体模型the dummies in thestorewindows商店橱窗里的人体模型
a ventriloquist's dummy口技表演者用的假人

dummynoun[C](NOT REAL)
something that is notrealand is used forpracticeor todeceive:
仿制品;冒牌货,假货Thedeviceis not arealbombbut a dummy.这颗炸弹不是真的,只是一个仿制品。
in somesports,especiallyfootball, anactofpretendingtokickorhittheballin aparticulardirection, inordertodeceivethe otherplayers
(尤指足球等体育项目中的)假动作,假传球True, real, false, and unreal
- actual
- actuality
- actually
- all that glitters is not goldidiom
- apocryphal
- fake news
- false
- false flag
- falsely
- fantastical
- nothing could be further from the truthidiom
- nothing could have been further from my mind/thoughtsidiom
- parallel universe
- post-factual
- practically
- veridical
- verifiability
- verifiable
- verifiably
- verily
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Unreal things and unreality
Faking & pretending
dummynoun[C](FOR BABY)
asmoothrubberorplasticobjectthat is given to ababytosuckinordertocomfortit and make itstopcrying
Terry Why/Photolibrary/GettyImages
Children & babies
- ankle-biter
- arrival
- babe
- babe in arms
- baby
- comfort blanket
- crawler
- designer baby
- devil
- diddums
- pacifier
- papoose
- perisher
- pest
- potty
- toilet-trained
- tomboy
- tot
- tyke
- urchin
dummynoun[C](STUPID PERSON)
蠢人,傻瓜You dummy - you don'tknowtheanswer!你这个笨蛋——你不知道答案!
Only a dummy wouldignorethesafetywarnings.只有傻瓜才会对安全警告视而不见。
Stupid and silly people
- airhead
- berk
- birdbrain
- blithering idiot
- blockhead
- dumb-ass
- dunce
- dunderhead
- eejit
- fathead
- need
- needyourhead examinedidiom
- nimrod
- nincompoop
- ninny
- thicko
- tosser
- troglodyte
- turkey
- twerp
adjective[before noun]
假的,仿制的anenormousdummyperfumebottlein theshopwindow商店橱窗里巨大的香水瓶模型
True, real, false, and unreal
- actual
- actuality
- actually
- all that glitters is not goldidiom
- apocryphal
- fake news
- false
- false flag
- falsely
- fantastical
- nothing could be further from the truthidiom
- nothing could have been further from my mind/thoughtsidiom
- parallel universe
- post-factual
- practically
- veridical
- verifiability
- verifiable
- verifiably
- verily
UKuk/ˈdʌm.i/us/ˈdʌm.i/ingamessuch asfootballorrugby, topretendtokickormoveaballin aparticulardirectionbutinsteaddo somethingcompletelydifferent, inordertodeceivetheopposingteam'splayers:
(尤指足球等体育项目中的)做假动作,假传球Adams'crosswas dummied by Novo at thefrontpost,allowingSmith toscorefromcloserange.诺沃在前门柱处一个假动作让过亚当的传球,让史密斯近距离射门。
- 18-yard box
- 2 3 5
- 4 3 2 1
- 4 4 2
- 4 5 1
- football pools
- formation
- foul throw
- four five one
- four four two
- four three two one
- professional foul
- promedios
- rabona
- reducer
- relegation zone
- reserve team
- sweeper
- treble
- woodwork
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
General terms used in ball sports