uk/dʌmp/us/dʌmp/dumpverb[T](PUT DOWN)
to put down ordropsomething in acarelessway:
扔下,丢下He came in with fourshoppingbagsand dumped them on thetable.他进门后将手里提着的四个购物袋往桌上一扔。
- She had beenstrangledwith her ownscarfand herbodydumped in thewoods.
- Hisbodyhad been dumped in anareaofwastelandjustoutsidethecity.
- Heopposesanykindofnuclearwastebeing dumped atsea.
- Thecarwas dumped in astretchofwastelandin thesouthof thecity.
- 90percentof Americanrubbishis dumped inlandfillsites.
Removing and getting rid of things
- abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- eradication
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- fling
- leach
- scrape
- shedding
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- sling
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Placing and positioning an object
dumpverb[T](GET RID OF)
to getridof somethingunwanted,especiallybyleavingit in aplacewhere it is notallowedto be:
抛弃;乱扔,乱丢Thetaxwas sounpopularthat thegovernmentdecidedto dump it.这项税款非常不得人心,于是政府决定将其取消。
Severaloldcarshad been dumped near thebeach.几辆旧汽车被丢弃在海滩附近。
Toxicchemicalscontinueto be dumped into theriver.有毒化工品还在继续被倾倒进河里。
tosellunwantedgoodsverycheaply, usually in othercountries:
(常指向另一国家)倾销,甩卖TheyaccusedtheWestof dumpingout-of-datemedicinesonThirdWorldcountries.他们指责西方国家向第三世界国家倾销过期药品。
tomoveinformationfrom a computer'smemoryto anotherplaceordevice
(将内存信息)转存Removing and getting rid of things
- abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- eradication
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- fling
- leach
- scrape
- shedding
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- sling
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Keeping and storing things
Operating computers
tosuddenlyend aromanticrelationshipyou have been having with someone:
甩掉,抛弃(恋人)If he's soawful, why don't you just dump him?如果他这么糟糕,你为什么不把他给甩了?
Relationships: ending & divorce
- affiliation order
- annul
- annulment
- breaksomethingup
- bust
- bust up
- child support
- chuck
- ghost
- givesomeonethe elbowidiom
- givesomeonethe heave-hoidiom
- givesomeonethe pushidiom
- go off withsomeone
- grow apart
- rebound
- run out onsomeone/something
- separate
- separation
- split up
- throw
uk/dʌmp/us/dʌmp/C1(UKalsorubbish dump);(USalsogarbage dump)
垃圾场,垃圾堆I'm going tocleanout thebasementand take everything I don'twantto the dump.我要清理一下地下室,把不要的东西都扔进垃圾堆。
a veryunpleasantandunattractiveplace:
凌乱的地方,令人厌恶的地方Thistownis acompletedump!这个城市就像个垃圾堆!
aplacewhere things of aparticulartypearestored,especiallyby anarmy:
anactofmovinginformationfrom a computer'smemoryto anotherplaceordevice
(内存信息的)转存Rubbish and waste
- anti-litter
- anti-littering
- debris
- dejunk
- dejunking
- garbage disposal
- gubbins
- high-level waste
- influent
- jetsam
- litter
- muck
- rubbish
- sewage
- sewerage
- shavings
- skip diving
- slag
- spoil
- white elephant
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Unpleasant places
Keeping and storing things
Operating computers
(down) in the dumps
have/take a dump