toplan,preparefor, ororganizesomething:
安排;准备;筹划I'mtryingto arrange myworkso that I can have acoupleofdaysoff nextweek.我正设法把工作安排好,以便下周能够休息两天。
Themeetinghas been arrangedforWednesday.会议已经安排在了周三。
[+ to infinitive]They arrangedtohavedinnerthefollowingmonth.他们约在下个月共进晚餐。
I've already arrangedwithhimtomeetat thecinema.我已和他约好了在电影院见面。
She's arrangedforhersontohaveswimminglessons.她已经安排她儿子去上游泳课了。
[+ that]I'ddeliberatelyarrangedthatthey shouldarriveat the sametime.我特意安排好让他们同时到达。
[+ question word]We haven'tyetarrangedwhen tomeet.我们还没有约好什么时候会面。
- Mysecretarywillphoneyou to arrange ameeting.
- Thecompanywill arrangetransportfrom theairport.
- I'vespeciallyarranged mytripso that I'll behomeonFridayevening.
- We've arranged tostayovernightat my sister'shouse.
- Theytriedto arrange aceremonywith as littlefussaspossible.
Planning, expecting and arranging
- accidentally
- accidentally on purposeidiom
- advertent
- advisedly
- aim atsomething
- bargain
- I might have knownidiom
- insomeone'scrosshairsidiom
- in the pipelineidiom
- in the worksidiom
- intend
- planner
- provision
- purposely
- put the cart before the horseidiom
- puttheirheads togetheridiom
- rearrange
- reckon onsomething
- settle
- sleeve
arrangeverb(PUT IN POSITION)
to put agroupofobjectsin aparticularorder:
整理,使有条理;排列;布置She arranged herbirthdaycardsalong theshelf.她把生日贺卡在架子上摆成一排。
Who arranged theseflowerssobeautifully?这花插得真漂亮,谁的手艺?
Hisbooksareneatlyarranged inalphabeticalorder.他的书都按照字母顺序排得整整齐齐。
to arrange papers, furniture, etc.
- arrangeThe books are arranged in alphabetical order.
- orderThe names are ordered alphabetically.
- sortTen million pieces of mail are sorted every day.
- organizeHe liked to organize his herbs and spices alphabetically in the cabinet.
- lay outHe laid the playing cards out in a precise circle.
- set outShe was setting out the usual platter of cheese sandwiches.
- I'll have to do somethinkingabout howbestto arrange thebooks.
- Thedeskswere arranged inrowsof ten.
- I've arranged thepicturesof theanimalsalphabeticallyfromaardvarktozebra.
- I've arranged thebooksalphabeticallyso don'tmuddlethem up.
- We arranged thechairsin asemicircle.
Classifying and creating order
- alphabetize
- anti-hierarchical
- arrangement
- arranger
- array
- binomial
- bracket
- lay
- misclassify
- miscode
- mislabel
- misorder
- multisystem
- nest
- setsomethingup
- shake
- shakesomeonedown
- short-list
- shortlist
- sort
to makechangesto apieceofmusicso that it can beplayedin a different way, forexampleby aparticularinstrument:
改编(乐曲)Beethoven's fifthsymphonyhas been arrangedforthepiano.贝多芬的第五交响乐被改编成了钢琴曲。
Technical music terms
- accidental
- aleatory
- andante
- antiphonal
- arpeggio
- arr.
- discord
- dissonance
- harmony
- key signature
- longa
- mike check
- modulate
- slur
- stepwise
- syncopate
- syncopated
- syncopation
- tempo
- trill