(alsore-book)uk/ˌriːˈbʊk/us/ˌriːˈbʊk/toarrangeto have a newseat,room, etc. at aparticulartimein thefuture, after it is nolongerpossibleto have the one youpreviouslyhad:
Themoneywasfinallyrefunded, but not intimeto rebook for theoriginaldates.
- Theairlinecompanysaid it wouldrefundor rebookpassengerswithticketsforcancelledflights.
- Mosthotelswill re-book you on a differentdateif there isavailability.
- After thecancellation, we were told to rebookonline.
Making bookings & reservations
- book
- book in/book intosomewhere
- booker
- booking
- double-book
- overbook
- pre-booked
- reservation
- reserve
- ride-hailing
- season
- unreserved
- vacancy