(alsore-categorize);(UKusuallyrecategorise,re-categorise)uk/ˌriːˈkæt.ə.ɡər.aɪz/us/ˌriːˈkæt̬.ə.ɡə.raɪz/to putpeopleor things into newcategories(=groupsof things that have somefeaturesthat are the same):
There have been someattemptsto recategorise asylum-seekers asregularmigrants.
Thesemethodshave been used to recategorizeearlierwork.
- EnvironmentalgroupshaveaskedtheUnitedStatesfederalgovernmentto recategorize theturtlefromthreatenedtoendangered.
- Facilities that are notperformingwellattemptto re-name, re-organize and re-categorize themselves asproblemsarise.
- I shall be puttingforwardaproposalthat we should recategorisecannabistoclassCratherthanclassB.
- We need to recategorizeinsectsas goodguysinsteadofbadguys, because there's aworldwideinsectshortage.
Classifying and creating order
- alphabetize
- anti-hierarchical
- arrange
- arrangement
- arranger
- array
- bracket
- lay
- misclassification
- misclassify
- miscode
- mislabel
- misorder
- nest
- setsomethingup
- shake
- shakesomeonedown
- short-list
- shortlist
- sort