thepartof aphonein twopartsthat youholdtoyourearandmouth:
(电话)听筒Shepickedup the receiver anddialledhisnumber.她拿起电话拨了他的号码。

Sean Gladwell/Moment/GettyImages
(无线电或电视)接收器,接收机- I went topickup the receiver, but it hadstoppedringing.
- Shehungup the receiver indisgust.
- The receiver isdesignedto takeadvantageof thefullfrequencyrangetransmitted.
- Sheheldthe receiver to herear.
- When he was achild, Stuartbuiltaradioreceiver andtransmitter.
Communications - telephone equipment
- answering machine
- blower
- brick
- burner
- caller ID
- cell phone
- device
- dumbphone
- extension
- phablet
- platform
- powerbank
- sim
- SIM card
- smartphone
- speakerphone
- switchboard
- telephone
- telephone booth
- telephone exchange
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Broadcasting: radio
Broadcasting: television
(UKalsoofficial receiver)
apersonwhoofficiallydealswith thebusinessmattersofcompanieswho cannotpaytheirdebts:
(破产公司的)管理人,接管人Thecompanywentbankruptand wasput into thehandsofthe receivers.公司破产了,由破产管理人接管。
A receiver ofstolengoodsis apersonwhobuysandsellspropertythat theyknowhas beenstolen.
买卖赃物者;收赃人Success & failure in business
- administration
- axe
- bankrupt
- bankruptcy
- be running on fumesidiom
- belly
- charter
- dying
- fold
- go darkidiom
- go to the wallidiom
- growth hacker
- growth hacking
- have a corner on a marketidiom
- soft launch
- spin
- spinsomethingoff
- start (something) up
- subscale
- turn around
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Borrowing & lending
Miscellaneous criminals
receivernoun[C](AMERICAN FOOTBALL)
(alsowide receiver)
in Americanfootball, anattackingplayerwho is usually on theouteredgeof thelineofscrimmage(= thelineon which theballispositionedat thebeginningofplay):
He's awidereceiver for the Dallas Cowboys.
American football
- attempt
- blitz
- blocker
- blocking
- carry
- carry the ballidiom
- drop
- football
- fullback
- huddle
- linebacker
- nonconference
- offence
- outgain
- outkick
- place-kick
- scrimmage
- split end
- Super Bowl
- touchdown