uk/dɪˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ/us/dɪˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ/B2[IorT,not continuous]
tonoticeorunderstandthedifferencebetween two things, or to make onepersonor thingseemdifferent from another:
区分,分辨;使有所区别He'scolour-blindand can't distinguish (thedifference)betweenredandgreeneasily.他是色盲,很难分清红色和绿色(的不同)。
I sometimes havedifficultydistinguishingSpanishfromPortuguese.我有时很难分清西班牙语和葡萄牙语。
It'simportantto distinguishbetweenbusinessandpleasure.分清什么是正事什么是娱乐非常重要。
It's not thebeautyso much as therangeof hisvoicethat distinguishes himfromothertenors.他与其他男高音大不相同,并非因为他那华美的声音,而是他宽广的音域。
to do something so well that you areadmiredandpraisedfor it:
使自己出类拔萃,表现突出He distinguished himself as awriterat a very earlyage.他年纪轻轻就成为一名出类拔萃的作家。
Atschool, she distinguished herself as anoutstandingdebater.
Hequicklydistinguished himself in hischosencareer.
He didn'tespeciallydistinguish himself in anyparticularfield, asfaras Irecall.
Richardsonrapidlydistinguished himself with hisdiligenceandindustry.
- Theylooksosimilarit's oftendifficultto distinguish one from the other.
- Themalebirddisplaysseveralcharacteristicswhich distinguish him from thefemale.
- It's hiseyefordetailthat distinguishes him as apainter.
- It can bedifficultto distinguish betweenpoisonousandediblemushrooms.
- Teachers have tolearnto distinguish betweenbehaviourproblemsassociatedwithlearningdifficultiesandbehaviourproblemslinkedto somethingelse.
- ascribesomethingtosomething
- ascription
- badged
- badging
- band
- dog tag
- geotag
- id
- ID card
- identifiable
- identification
- microchip
- misidentify
- passport
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingout
- reidentify
- restamp
- signature
- stamp
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