not either of two things orpeople:
两者皆非,两者都不We've got twoTVs, but neitherworksproperly.我们有两台电视,但没有一台是好的。
Neither oneofus isinterestedingardening.我们两个都不太喜欢园艺。
"Which one would youchoose?" "Neither. They're bothterrible."“你会挑哪个?”“两个都不要,它们都很糟糕。”
If she doesn'tagreeto theplan, neither willTom(= he will also not).如果她不同意这项计划,汤姆也不会同意。
Chris wasn't at themeetingand neither was herassistant.克里斯没有出席会议,她的助手也没有。
informal"I don'tfeellike going out thisevening." "Me neither."“我今晚不想出去。”“我也是。”
On twooccasionsshe wasaccusedofstealingmoneyfrom thecompany, butinneithercasewas there anyevidencetosupporttheclaims.她两次被指控盗用公款,但两次都没有确凿的证据。
used when youwantto say that two or more things are nottrue:
既不…也不…,…和…都不Neither mymothernormyfatherwent touniversity.我父母都没有上过大学。
TheyspeakneitherFrenchnorGerman, but astrangemixtureof the two.他们说的既不是法语也不是德语,而是两者的古怪混合。
I neitherknownorcarewhathappenedto him.我不知道,也不关心他出了什么事。
- Theteamschangeendsathalf-timeso that neithersidehas anunfairadvantage.
- It's anabsurdsituation- neither of them willtalkto the other.
- Strangely, neither CarlonorJuansawwhat hadhappened.
- This is awarwhich neithersidecanwin.
- His words to thepressweredeliberatelyequivocal- he didn'tdenythereportsbut neither did heconfirmthem.
Either, or, neither, nor
- and
- and/orphrase
- either
- else
- nor
- or
- or elseidiom
- otherwise
Neither, neither … norandnot … either
Neither allows us to make a negative statement about two people or things at the same time. Neither goes before singular countable nouns. We use it to say ‘not either’ in relation to two things. Neither can be pronounced /ˈnaɪðə(r)/ or /ˈni:ðə(r)/.…Neitheras a determiner
Neither allows us to make a negative statement about two people or things at the same time. Neither goes before singular countable nouns. We use it to say ‘not either’ in relation to two things. Neither can be pronounced /ˈnaɪðə(r)/ or /ˈni:ðə(r)/.…Neither … nor
We can use neither as a conjunction with nor. It connects two or more negative alternatives. This can sound formal in speaking:…Notwithneitherandnor
When a clause with neither or nor is used after a negative clause, we invert the subject and the verb after neither and nor:…Neither do I,Nor can she
We use neither and nor + auxiliary/modal verb + subject to mean ‘also not’:…Not … either
We can use not … either to mean ‘also not’, but we do not change the word order of the auxiliary or modal verb and subject:…Neither: typical errors
We use neither, not none, when we are talking about two people or things:…Idioms
be neither here nor there
be neither one thing nor the other