uk/daɪˈvɜː.ʃən.ər.i/us/dɪˈvɝː.ʃən.er.i/diversionaryadjective(TAKING ATTENTION AWAY)
takingyourattentionaway from somethingelse:
使人分心的,转移注意力的Theproposalwasdismissedas a diversionarytacticintendedtodistractattentionfrom therealproblems.该提案被认为旨在转移人们对真实问题的注意力而遭到驳回。
Militarypersonnelwould bedistractedwith diversionarymovessootherscouldbreakinto thebase.军事人员的注意力会受到转移,以便其他人能够闯入基地。
Faking & pretending
- affect
- air guitar
- assume
- believe
- changeling
- charlatan
- cry
- false modesty
- falsifiable
- falsify
- feign
- fraud
- mountebank
- out-bluff
- passsomethingoff assomething
- phoney
- play-act
- professed
- purport
- quack
dealingwith someone, forexamplesomeone who hascommittedacrime, by giving themspecialtreatment,ratherthan bysendingthem toprison, etc.:
转化程序的, 指在审判之前将刑事被告人移交社区处理,使其接受工作培训、教育等,如果改造成功,则可能会导致取消指控,使被告人免于牢狱处罚。Themoneywent to thedistrictattorney'sofficetopayfor a diversionaryschemedesignedtoreducetheprisonpopulation.这笔拨款由司法区的联邦检察官用于资助转化性培训项目,以减少入狱犯人的数量。
There are anumberof well-resourced diversionaryschemesforyoungoffenders.有好几个资源充足的转化性培训项目可供失足青少年参加。
Not punishing & reducing punishment
- absolve
- amnesty
- clemency
- commutation
- diplomatic immunity
- discharge
- diversion
- get off
- get off lightlyphrase
- hook
- impunity
- let
- letsomeoneoff
- mitigation
- off the hookidiom
- remission
- royal pardon
- scot-free
- spare
- unpunished
diversionaryadjective(IN DIFFERENT DIRECTION)
going in a differentdirectionbecause aroad,railwayline, etc. isclosed:
(因公路、铁路等封闭而)改道的Extratimewasrequiredtosendtrainsviathe diversionaryroute.发送火车沿改道线路行驶需要额外的时间。
Changing direction
- about-face
- about-turn
- bear
- bore
- branch off
- break
- cut
- decoy
- deflect
- divert
- glance off(something)
- head off
- oscillate
- oscillation
- peaked
- reverse
- turn
- U-ie
- veer
- yo-yoing