Bell's palsy
medicalspecialized(alsoBell's Palsy)uk/ˌbelz ˈpɔːl.zi/us/ˌbelz ˈpɑːl.zi/aconditionin which apersoncannotmovethemuscleson onesideoftheirfacebecause of aproblemwith thenervethatcontrolstheexpressionsof theface:
When onesideof hisfacebegantodroop, he was told he had Bell'spalsy.
HedevelopedBell 's Palsy, whichaffectsthousands ofAmericanseachyearand whichparalyzedtherightsideof hisface.
See also
- Bell's Palsy isgenerallyshort-lived, but can last for up to ayearor, inrarecases,longer.
- Arootcanalthat wentwronglefther with Bell'spalsy.
- He wasstrickenwith Bell'spalsyas achildand hisspeechisslightlyslurred.
- Thedoctortold me it was Bell's Palsy, aformofparalysiscausedbymalfunctionof thefacialnerve.
Disorders of muscles & the nervous system
- acoustic neuroma
- ageusia
- akinetic-rigid HD
- Alzheimer's
- cramp
- crick
- EA
- encephalitis
- epileptic
- fibromyalgia
- Guillain-Barré syndrome
- Huntington's chorea
- prosopagnosia
- quadriplegia
- retrograde
- retrograde amnesia
- Saint Vitus' dance
- sciatica