child's word
adoll(= atoyin theshapeof asmallpersonorbaby):
She'llsitandplaywith her dollies forhours.
Toys get verystraightforwardnamesround here, like “Purple Teddy”, “BigDolly”, “Little Dolly”, “Bunny” and “Dog”.

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Toys & dolls
- balloon
- building block
- chew toy
- doll's pram
- fidget
- fidget spinner
- finger puppet
- go-kart
- marble
- mud pie
- rag doll
- rocking horse
- snow globe
- sock puppet
- soft toy
- squirt gun
- squishy
- stacker
- teddy
- tricycle
US(UKsack barrow,sack truck)
aboardorframeonwheels, usually with ahandleatwaistheight, used formovingheavyobjectssuch asfurnitureormachines:
Using a dolly, theyrolledthesafeto aloadingdock.
Themachineweighednearly650poundsand had to bedeliveredon atiltingdolly so that it could beangledthroughdoors.
hand truck
theatre & filmspecialized
Theimageshowsthedirectoron a dollyfilmingherdocumentary.
You mightwantto do acraneshotor a dollyshot.
aboardonwheelsforlyingon so that you canrollyourself undervehicleswhenexaminingorrepairingthem:
Helayflaton a dolly under his 18-wheeler,adjustingthebrakeswith awrenchand ascrewdriver.
Theundergroundpitsallowinspectorstowalkunderneathtruckstoinspecttheirundercarriagesinsteadof using a dolly toslideunderneathvehicles.
- Thedefenceteamwheeleda dollyloadedwithdocumentboxesinto thecourtroom.
- He hadboughtalargeairconditioner, which he waspullingon a dolly behind him.
Handcarts, trolleys & prams
- baby carriage
- bob
- bobsled
- buggy
- doll's pram
- food cart
- hand truck
- handcart
- perambulator
- pram
- pushchair
- sack barrow
- sack truck
- sledge
- sledging
- sleigh
- stroller
- tea cart
- trailer
- trolley
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Audio & video equipment
Cinema & theatre: production, direction & recording
Engineering - mechanical