dropped kerb
UKuk/ˌdrɒpt ˈkɜːb/us/ˌdrɑːpt ˈkɝːb/(UScurb cut)aplacewhere thekerb(=edgeof araisedpathnext to theroad)is made toslopedown to thelevelof theroad, so it iseasierforpeoplewithvehiclessuch aswheelchairsorpushchairsto get on or off thepath:
(经切割后降低高度,与马路相平,方便轮椅、婴儿车等上下人行道的)路缘矮坡,下沉式路缘We must take theleadinprovidingdroppedkerbsatjunctionsandramps, andtactileinformationandacousticsignalsatroadcrossings.我们必须带头在路口和坡道设置下沉式路缘,在道路交叉口设置触觉信息和声音信号。

Road surfaces & features
- asphalt
- asphalting
- bike lane
- bitumen
- black spot
- curb cut
- cycle lane
- cycle track
- double yellow line
- fast lane
- pavement
- paver
- paving stone
- potholed
- pullsomeonein
- speed bump
- tarmac
- tight turn
- traffic island
- verge