aflatobjectthat is used toclosetheentranceof something such as aroomorbuilding, or theentranceitself:
the back door后门
The doortohisbedroomwaslocked.他卧室的门上了锁。
We couldhearsomeoneknockingat/onthe door.我们能听到有人在敲门。
Could youopen/close/shutthe door,please?请把门打开/关上好吗?
Sheaskedme toanswerthe door(= go andopenit for someone).她让我去开门。

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be on the doorUK(USwork the door)
toworkat theentranceof abuilding,collectingticketsorpreventingparticularpeoplefromentering:
守门,看门Have youseenthoseguyson the door?
used to refer to ahouseor otherbuilding:
房子,建筑物Samonlylivesa few doors(away/up/down) fromus.萨姆就住在与我们相隔几户(远/以北/以南)的房子里。
Thepeoplenextdoor (tous)(=livingin thehousenext to us)aren't veryfriendly.住在(我们)隔壁房子里的人不太友好。
out of doors
outsidein theopenair:
户外,室外It was the firsttimein mylifethat hadsleptout of doors.
- I'd only gone a little way down thestreetwhen IrememberedI hadn'tlockedthe door.
- Thesignon thetoiletdoor said 'Engaged'.
- Our newsofadoesn'tfitthrough the door.
- Soldiersguardthemaindoors of theembassy.
- He got hisbagcaughtin thetraindoors as they wereclosing.
Parts of buildings: doors & parts of doors
- architrave
- back door
- bell push
- bi-fold
- cat flap
- doorway
- draught excluder
- entryway
- fire door
- five-bar gate
- knob
- knocker
- letterbox
- purging
- revolving door
- screen door
- shoji
- stage door
- up-and-over
- weatherboarding
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Houses & homes
close/shut the door onsomething
leavesomethingat the door
shut/close the stable/barn door after the horse has bolted