USuk/ˈduːˌræɡ/us/ˈduːˌræɡ/(alsodoo-rag)apieceofclothwornon theheadthat istiedat the back so itfitscloselyto thetopof thehead:
(后面系紧、紧贴头顶的)头巾He waswearingablackdo-rag under abrownYankeescap.他在棕色的洋基帽下面还戴了黑色的头巾。
The firstmemberof thegroupcame out, in asleevelessundershirtand doo-rag.第一名队员出场了,穿着无袖衬衫,戴着头巾。
Blue_Cutler/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Theguyin theblackdo-ragapproached.
- Achainwashangingon hisbarechestand a do-rag wastiedaround hishead.
- Hepostedphotosof himself with ashinyearringand a do-rag on hishead.
- Awhitedo-rag wastiedsnuglyover hishair.
Hats & scarves
- ascot
- balaclava
- bandana
- baseball cap
- beanie
- cycle helmet
- deerstalker
- dicky bow
- dunce's cap
- dupatta
- mask
- millinery
- mitre
- mortarboard
- neckerchief
- topper
- toque
- trencher
- trilby
- tuque