informaluk/dɔːk/us/dɔːrk/apersonwho isphysicallyorsociallyawkwardor notfashionable:
He's such a dork, but he's alovelyguy.
Ilooklike a dork when Itrytorun.
- Even though he'skindof a dork, I really like him.
- Ithought, arepeoplegoing tothinkI'm a dork because I'mmovingbackhomewith myparents?
- I'm thekindofpersonthat willfalldown awholeflightofstairsand get up and just say, "I'm a dork."
- Even if hesnowboardsand windsurfs,youngvoterswillprobablyseehim as arich,white, dork.
Stupid and silly people
- airhead
- berk
- birdbrain
- blithering idiot
- blockhead
- dummy
- dunce
- dunderhead
- eejit
- fathead
- need
- needyourhead examinedidiom
- nimrod
- nincompoop
- ninny
- thicko
- tosser
- troglodyte
- turkey
- twerp