单词 | draw breath |
释义 | draw breathtobreathe: Withoutpausingtodrawbreathshe told me everything. Shepausedtodrawbreath, herfacescarcelyhidingherexcitement. In thestiflingmiddayheatand betweenlongpausestodrawbreath, thefrail86-year-olddeliveredhisspeech. Hebarelystopstodrawbreathas hetalksabout theproject. I wouldwakein thenightin such astateofpanicthat I wasunabletodrawbreath. topausefor ashorttimebetween doing one thing and the next: Give me aminutetodrawbreath, won't you? She goes from onetaskto another withoutseemingtodrawbreath. We just need todrawbreathbetweenprojects. Thisweekmarksthe end of theconsultationperiodand achancetodrawbreathbefore the nextphase. Withscarcelyachancetodrawbreath, shemovedonto the next thing. See also breath draw breathtopausefor amomentto take abreathorbreathemoreslowly 歇口气,缓口气Animal physiology: breathing & stopping breathing
draw breathtopausefor amomentto take abreathorbreathemoreslowly 歇口气,缓口气 |
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