[C]pluralbelugaorbelugas(alsobeluga whale,white whale)
asmallwhitewhalethatlivesmainlyin theArctic:
(主要栖息在北极地区的一种小型)白鲸Biologists aretryingtofindout what isendangeringbelugas in the Cook Inlet.生物学家们正试图找出库克群岛白鲸濒临灭绝的原因。
These belugawhalesliveunder threefeetoficein thefreezingwatersofnorthernRussia'sWhiteSea.这些白鲸生活在俄罗斯白海北部三英尺的冰层之下。

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[C]pluralbelugaorbelugas(alsobeluga sturgeon)
alargefishthatlivesmainlyinlakesandriversincentralEuropeandAsia. It is is atypeofsturgeonand is usuallycaughtforitseggs, which areeatenascaviar:
欧洲鳇,欧鳇(主要栖息在中欧及亚洲湖河里的一种大型鲟鱼)Beluga is thelargestfreshwaterfishonearth.欧洲鳇是地球上最大的淡水鱼。
It can take afemalebelugasturgeon25yearstoproduceher firsteggs.雌性欧洲鳇可能需要25年时间才会第一次产卵。

- Killerwhalesare the beluga's onlymarinepredator.
- Withbinocularsyou canwatchthe belugawhalesthatswimwith thesummertidein and out of theriverestuary.
- Polarbears'mainsourceoffoodisseals, but they sometimeseatwalrusesandevenbelugawhales.
- Lakesturgeonarecomparableinsizeandcolorto beluga.
- Heimportedsome belugas fromoverseastoraisefortheireggsandmeat.
- A belugasturgeonswimsslowlythrough themurkywater.
Marine mammals
- cetacean
- dolphin
- dugong
- elephant seal
- fluke
- grey seal
- harp seal
- humpback whale
- killer whale
- manatee
- minke whale
- monk seal
- narwhal
- orca
- porpoise
- sea cow
- sea lion
- sperm whale
- walrus
- whale
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sea fish
atypeofexpensivecaviar(=fisheggs)that comes from belugafish:
鲟鱼鱼子酱You mightwanttowashdownyourbeluga with aglassofchampagne.你要不试试用一杯香槟配你的鲟鱼鱼子酱。

Yevgen Romanenko/Moment/GettyImages
- If youevergetyourhandson beluga, I wouldsuggestnotembellishingtheflavourof theroewith anything at all.
- Theyfoundasupplyof belugaworth$200,000.
Fish & seafood
- abalone
- albacore
- American shad
- barramundi
- bay scallop
- crab
- crabmeat
- crappie
- crawdad
- crawfish
- gravlax
- grouper
- hard-shell clam
- hoki
- kipper
- roe
- saltfish
- sashimi
- scampi
- sea bass