uk/nʌl/us/nʌl/having nolegalforce:
无法律效力的The 1944contracthas since beendeclarednullandvoid.这份1944年的合同已被宣布无效。
About 200marriagesin thedioceseweredeclarednull lastyear.该教区去年约有二百桩婚事被宣布无效。
Buyouttermsbecomenull if thecompanyhas notbrokengroundfor a newstadiumbyJuly1.如果该公司到七月一日未能破土兴建一个新的体育场,则买断条款作废。
with novalueoreffect:
没有价值的;没有作用的Will these nullfindingschangeanyone'sopinionofESP?这些无效的发现会改变任何人对ESP的看法吗?
Fourdecadesof a nullresultshouldtellus something about thehypothesisthat there areintelligentcivilizationsinspace.四十年来对于太空中存在智能文明这一假设的研究毫无结果,这应该给我们一点启示了。
(of a set ormatrix)containingnothing orcontainingonlyzeros:
空值,零Amatrixhaving allitselementszero is said to be null and is written 0.一个所有元素为零的矩阵称为空矩阵,记为 0。
Failedsearchesaredefinedas null setresults.失败的搜索被定义为空集结果。
Court cases, orders & decisions
- actionable
- administer
- admissibility
- admissible
- affidavit
- conveyancing
- exhibit
- extinguishment
- extrajudicial
- fatal accident inquiry
- finding
- gagging order
- inquest
- moot
- plead
- precedent
- pretrial
- probate
- provide
- reconvict
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Something, anything, nothing, and everything
Numbers: groups of things according to number
uk/nʌl/us/nʌl/anemptyvalueor a zero:
空值,零Flags may be used topreventnulls bybringingattentionto theabsenceof avaluein atable.可以使用标记让人注意到表格中没有填入数值的地方,从而防止出现空值。
He took down thelengthylistofproducepricesanderadicatedthezerosor "nulls".他记下了冗长的农产品价格清单,并消除了零或"空值"。
Numbers: cardinal, including nought & zero
- A, a
- B, b
- bi
- deca-
- eleven
- fifteen
- five
- forty
- googol
- milliard
- multi-trillion
- nineteen
- ninety
- seventy
- six
- ten
- thirty
- trillion
- twelve
- unit
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Numbers: groups of things according to number
uk/nʌl/us/nʌl/toremovetheeffectof one thing by doing another thing that has theoppositeeffect:
Used in verysmallquantities, thedigestiveaidnulls thiseffectandaddsawonderfularomato thevegetables.
Thedeflectionof thegyrospinaxisisdetectedand nulled by thestabilizationloops.
Destroying and demolishing
- annihilate
- annihilation
- apocalypse
- bash
- bash through (something)
- be sacrificed on the altar ofsomethingidiom
- fall in
- in piecesidiom
- indestructibility
- killsomethingoff
- kill the goose that lays the golden eggidiom
- sacrifice
- self-devouring
- shred
- sink
- smash
- stave
- stavesomethingin
- takesomethingout
- tear