uk/ræʃ/us/ræʃ/rashnoun(SKIN CONDITION)
a lot ofsmallredspotson theskin:
皮疹,疹子I've got anitchyrash all over mychest.我胸部出满了疹子,痒得要命。
If youstayin thesuntoolongyou'll get (a)heatrash.如果你在阳光下呆得太久,就会生痱子。
UKHecame out/up ina rash after hefellin apatchofnettles.他摔倒在一片荨麻地里,结果身上就起了疹子。

Skin complaints & blemishes
- age spot
- anti-crack
- anti-dandruff
- anti-leprosy
- anti-ulcer
- birthmark
- carbuncle
- chapped
- contusion
- eczema
- impetigo
- itchy
- melanoma
- pruritic
- pruritus
- pyoderma gangrenosum
- redness
- rosacea
- scald
- shingle
rashnoun(LARGE NUMBER)
a rash ofsomething
alargenumberofunpleasanteventsof the sametype:
(一下子出现的)大量令人不快的事There has been a rash ofrobberies/accidents/complaintsin the last twomonths.过去两个月中,突然发生很多起抢劫案/一下出了很多起事故/接二连三收到多起投诉。
Masses and large amounts of things
- accumulation
- any number ofthingsidiom
- armload
- backlog
- bolus
- flood
- foam
- logjam
- many
- motherlode
- multi-million
- multitude
- pile
- stack
- the lion's shareidiom
- tsunami
- wave after/upon waveidiom
- wedge
- welter
- wodge
carelessorunwise, withoutthoughtfor what mighthappenorresult:
轻率的;鲁莽的;毛躁的That was a rashdecision- you didn'tthinkabout thecostsinvolved.那个决定太轻率了——你没有考虑到这样做的代价。
[+ to infinitive]Ithinkitwas abitrashofthemtogetmarriedwhen they'd onlyknowneach other for a fewweeks.我觉得他们刚认识几周就结婚有些草率。
not taking or showing enough care and attention
- carelessThat was careless of you.
- sloppySpelling mistakes always look sloppy in a formal letter.
- slapdashHis work is always hurried and slapdash.
- rashThat was a rash decision - you didn't think about the costs involved.
- thoughtlessThe Prime Minister made a thoughtless remark about the environment.
Doing things without fear or proper thought
- bravado
- carpe diem
- daredevil
- desperado
- devil-may-care
- hotheadedly
- hotheadedness
- impetuous
- impetuously
- impetuousness
- like lemmingsidiom
- like there is/was no tomorrowidiom
- precipitately
- rashness
- reckless
- throw caution to the wind/windsidiom
- tomorrow
- trigger-happy
- unafraid
- with no thought forsomethingidiom