rash guard
uk/ˈræʃ ˌɡɑːrd/us/ˈræʃ ˌɡɑːrd/(UKalsorash vest)apieceofclothingthatfitsthetophalfof thebodytightly, made ofspecialmaterialandwornonitsown or under awetsuitforactivitiessuch assurfing, topreventtheskinfrom beingrubbedand toprotectagainst thesun:
(冲浪等运动中所穿的)紧身防磨上衣Rashguardsprotecttheskinfrom beingrubbedrawby thesandandsalt.紧身防磨衣可以保护皮肤不被沙子和盐分磨破。
Wear therashvestunder awetsuitto giveaddedcomfortandprotectionagainstirritation.将紧身防磨衣穿在潜水衣里面,可以增加舒适度,保护皮肤不受刺激。

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- Sheridestowardshore,sunlightbouncingoff herneonrashguard.
- Real Hawaiians didn't like add-ons: theyrejectedboardgrips,gloves,rashguards,stretchshirts, anything that would come between them and thewave.
- Theywearturtleneck, long-sleevedrashguardsinto thewaterand so muchsunblocktheirfaceslookgreen.
- You willwearalifejacketandpossiblyarashvest(such as thoseworninsurfing)underneathit.
- The highvisibilityrashguardwill give youaddedcomfortunder awetsuitor onitsown foraddedsunprotection.
- Theoriginalpurposeof arashvestwas tostopsurfboardrashesonsurferswhilstontheirboards.
Protective clothing
- armourer
- base layer
- bike helmet
- boiler suit
- CBRN suit
- eyewear
- face mask
- face shield
- gaiters
- gas mask
- jockstrap
- leggings
- life jacket
- life preserver
- mouth guard
- stab vest
- sun hat
- tabard
- tactical vest
- tin hat
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