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ratenoun[C](MEASURE)B2thespeedat which somethinghappensorchanges, or theamountornumberoftimesithappensorchangesin aparticularperiod: 率,比率;速率;速度;进度 Although she'srecoveringfrom herillness, her rateofprogressisquiteslow.尽管病情正在好转,但她康复的速度仍很慢。 I told myassistantstoworkattheirownrate.我告诉我的助手们按照他们自己的进度工作。 Thetaxiwas goingatatremendousrate.出租车飞速奔驰。 thegrowth/inflation/mortality/unemployment, etc. rate增长率/通货膨胀率/死亡率/失业率等 Thedrughas a highsuccess/failurerate.这种药物治疗疾病的成功率/失败率很高。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesslowly - slowlyI got out of bed and walked slowly to the door.
- slowGo slower! I can't keep up.
- at a slow paceThey are easy hikes, done at a slow pace.
- at a slow speedYou only have to hit a pedestrian at a slow speed to kill them.
- at slow rateThe economy grew at a slower rate during the second half of the year.
See more results » - Over the lastyear, the rate ofinflationhascreptup toalmost7percent.
- Thesuccessrate wasabnormallyhigh.
- We'll beluckyif we get there bymidnightat this rate.
- The city's mostshockingstatisticisitshighinfantmortalityrate.
- Thesurveyfoundnocorrespondencebetweencrimeandunemploymentrates.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpeed of motion - airspeed
- at full/half throttleidiom
- briskness
- burst
- celerity
- clip
- clock
- fleetness
- gallop
- ground speed
- hypersonic
- instantaneous velocity
- multi-speed
- pace
- pacy
- rapidity
- speed
- supersonic
- velocity
- zip
See more results » ratenoun[C](PAYMENT)B2anamountorlevelofpayment: 价格;费用 Weagreeda rate with thepainterbefore hestartedwork.开工前,我们和油漆工谈好了工钱。 What's thegoing(=standard)rateforthistypeofwork?这种工作一般酬金是多少? Do youpayyourmortgageon afixedorvariablerate(= ofinterest)?你怎样还抵押贷款,是定额偿付还是不定额偿付? - The newphonerates willaffectallconsumersincludingbusinesses.
- Thelowertaxrate isparticularlyadvantageoustopoorerfamilies.
- Ourexpectationsare that the UK willcutitsinterestrate.
- Wechargeaflatrate of $25perhour.
- Thehotelhas aspecialdiscountrate fornewlyweds.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAmounts of money - balance
- bank
- bounty
- buck
- capital
- circumstance
- coin
- fisc
- float
- have/getyoursnout in the troughidiom
- holdback
- living wage
- money supply
- payout
- pool
- slush fund
- sub
- sum
- surplus
- trough
See more results » ratenoun[C](TAX)rates[plural] alocaltaxpaidinAustralia, and inBritainin the past, by theownersofhousesand otherbuildings (澳大利亚以及旧时英国的)房产税,房地产税SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTaxation - amortizable
- anti-dumping
- anti-progressive
- anti-tax
- bedroom tax
- financial year
- fiscal year
- flat tax
- gas tax
- road tax
- sales tax
- self-assessment
- shelter
- sin tax
- taxpayer
- the taxman
- tithe
- top rate
- vat
See more results » Idiomsat a rate of knots at any rate at this rate rateverb[T](JUDGE)C1tojudgethevalueorcharacterof someone or something: 评估;评价;估价 How do you rate himasafootballplayer?你怎么评价他作为一个足球运动员的表现? She is rated veryhighlyby thepeoplesheworksfor.雇主对她的评价都很高。 informal"What do youthinkof her as asinger?" "I don't really rate her(= I do notthinkthat she is very good)."“你认为她作为一个歌手表现如何?”“我认为她不怎么样。” I ratecarsasone of theworstpollutersof theenvironment.我认为汽车是污染环境的罪魁祸首之一。 [+ obj + noun]On ascaleof one to ten, I'd rate hisbooka five.满分是10分的话,我给他这本书打5分。 Trafficaccidentsare sofrequentthat they don't rateamention(= are notconsideredto beworthreporting)in thenewspaperunlessa lot ofpeoplearekilled.撞车事故太频繁了,所以除非造成多人死亡,否则报纸对这样的事儿都不屑一提。 rate assomething to beconsideredto be something of aparticularquality: 认为是;评价为That rates as theworstfilmI'veeverseen.那是我看过的最蹩脚的电影。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnalysing and evaluating - adjudication
- analysable
- analyse
- analyser
- dive
- enquiry
- gauge
- go over
- go through
- have the measure ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- inspect
- inspection
- probe
- reinterpret
- reinterpretation
- reinvestigate
- reinvestigation
- research
- scratch
- the acid test
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: rateverb[T](TAX)UKInBritainin the past, abuildingwas rated todecidehow muchlocaltaxtheownershouldpay. (旧时英国为收房产税而)给(房屋)核定应缴税款 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTaxation - amortizable
- anti-dumping
- anti-progressive
- anti-tax
- bedroom tax
- financial year
- fiscal year
- flat tax
- gas tax
- road tax
- sales tax
- self-assessment
- shelter
- sin tax
- taxpayer
- the taxman
- tithe
- top rate
- vat
See more results » C1used with words such as first, second, etc. to show how good youthinksomething is: 程度;水平(与 first、second 等词连用,表明你认为某物属于哪种程度或水平) Hissuggestionsare alwaysfirst-rate(= very good).他总是能提出很好的建议。 Thiscompanyproducessecond/third-rate(= not very good)goods.这家公司生产的都是些二/三流的产品。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesQuality and standard - bar
- benchmark
- cachet
- calibre
- conform
- conform to/withsomething
- ideal
- level
- mark
- multi-levelled
- multilevel
- notch
- place
- prestige
- qualitative
- star
- starred
- style
- take first/second placeidiom
- upscale
See more results » (Definition ofratefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)rate| American Dictionaryratenoun[C](MEASUREMENT)ameasurementof thespeedat which somethinghappensorchanges, or thenumberoftimesithappensorchanges, within aparticularperiod: the rate ofchange/decay rates ofdigestion/oxygenation We haverelativelylowunemploymentrates thesedays. If weimprovestudents’self-esteem, we couldreducethedropoutrate. ratenoun[C](PAYMENT)anamountorlevelofpayment: Interest rates mayrisesoon. Rental ratesvarydependingon thesizeof thecar. rateverb(VALUE)tojudgethevalueorworthof something: [T]Half of thosesurveyedrated hisworkas good. [L]Themovieis rated R. [I]MarkTwain has rated as anenduringauthorfor 100years. disapprovingIf you say someone or something doesn’t rate, youmeanthepersonor thing is ofpoorqualityor notworthconsideration. (Definition ofratefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)thespeedat which somethinghappens: at a fast/slow/steady rateTheeconomygrewat aslowerrate in the thirdquarterthanpreviouslyestimated. an alarming/incredible/surprising rateThefutureof thechannelis underthreatafterlosingviewersand advertisers at analarmingrate. cut/reduce/slow down the rateThedipinconsumerspendingwas akeyfactorinslowingdown the rate ofgrowthin theeconomy. double/increase/speedup the rate ofsth improve/maintainthe rate ofsth theamountof something, or thenumberoftimessomethinghappensin aparticularperiod: at a rate of 20%/100 aday, etc. The group'sbusinessplanshowsitgrowingatitscurrentratefor the next fiveyears. rising/falling rateThereportexaminesthereasonsfor therisingrate ofpersonalbankruptcy. unemployment/jobless rateEconomistspredictthat theunemploymentrate willcontinuetoriseover the next 12months. It is anareawith highpovertyand a highcrimerate. thebirth/death/divorcerate thefailure/successrate HR,INSURANCEanamountofmoneythat ischargedorpaidfor aparticularservice: cheap/competitive/reasonable rateThenetworkoffersthecheapestrates formobilecallsfromabroad. Thesurveyfoundthat theaveragerate ofpaywas $9.51perhourfor women and $12.95 for men. charge/pay/set a rateWechargea rate of between €500 and €800perday. adaily/hourly/weeklyrate FINANCE,TAXtheamountthat ischargedastaxonincome,interestonloans, etc., usuallyshownas apercentage: a competitive/reduced/special rateSomeinternetbanksofferpersonalloansathighlycompetitiverates. falling/high/rising rateHow much abondfundfallsin arisingrateenvironmentdependsonitsduration. a fall/rise/cut in the rateWe arelikelytoseearisein the rate ofVAT. anannual/monthly/quarterlyrate theloan/savingsrate a rate cut/increase/hikeIthinkwe need another rateincreasetokeepinflationdown. rates[plural] TAX,GOVERNMENTin the UK, alocaltaxpaidfor somepublicservices: Thecompanywas told it had topayrates of £1,100 ayearon thesmallpieceofland. See alsoabsorption rate AER APR average rate bank rate base rate basic rate bill rate capitalization rate capped rate cheque rate click-through rate compound rate conversion rate day rate depreciation rate discount rate effective rate effective tax rate Euribor exchange rate fixed rate flat rate floating rate going rate growth rate interbank offered rate interest rate lending rate marginal rate market rate mortality rate negative interest rate nominal interest rate piece rate prime rate rack rate short-period rate standard rate tax rate teaser rate uniform business rate variable rate water rates [IorT]to have, or bethoughtto have, aparticularvalueorquality: rate (sth) highlyThebroadbanddealis ratedhighlyin asurveyby Whichmagazine. The sector's mosthighly-ratedanalystteamadvisedinvestorstobookprofits. rate (sth) as sthThat must rate as one of theworstinvestmentsthecompanyhasevermade. be rated afailure/success [T]to give something aparticularvalueorpositionin alist,accordingto a set ofstandards: Thesurveyaskedconsumersto rate theelementsthat would mostinfluencetheirpurchasingdecision. be rated A/15/R, etc.Thisfilmis rated 18, and is foradultsonly. [T]COMMERCE,ENVIRONMENTto give something such as apieceofelectricalequipmentanumberorletterthatshowshowpowerfulit is, how muchelectricityit uses, etc. so thatconsumerscancompareproducts: be rated A/B/X, etc.Thewashingmachineis rated A forenergyefficiency. [T]FINANCE,STOCK MARKETto give aninvestmentaparticularvalueafterexaminingthelevelofriskinvolved: be rated (as) investment grade/A/Triple A etc.Debt rated AA has a verystrongcapacitytopayinterestandrepayprincipal. rate sth (as) a buy/hold/sell FINANCE,STOCK MARKETtoadviseinvestorstobuy,keep, orsellparticularsharesorbonds used with words such as first, second, etc. to show how good orbadyouthinksomething is: first-/top-rateAninnovativepersonwith top-ratebusinesscredentialsisneededtofillthepositionofexecutivedirector. (Definition ofratefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)CollocationswithraterateThese are words often used in combination withrate. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. baseline rate One extinction phase was preceded by a specified baseline rate of intermittent reinforcement. From theCambridge English Corpus completion rate One hundred and one eligible growers responded to the questionnaire, for a 55% overall response rate and a 62% completion rate. From theCambridge English Corpus conviction rate Therefore, a conviction rate as high as 90 per cent certainly cries out for explanation. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/rate## |