uk/ˈsɪn.ə.mɑː//ˈsɪn.ə.mə/us/ˈsɪn.ə.mə/A2[C]mainlyUK(USusuallymovie theater)
电影院Thetownnolongerhas a cinema.小镇已不再有电影院了。
a cinematicket电影票

go to the cinema(USgo to the movies)
to go towatchafilm:
去看电影I justwantedtospendtimewith myfriends, go to the cinema, donormalstuff.
C1(USalsomovies,the movies)
filmsand thebusinessof making them :
He was wellknownfor hisworkin cinema.
Theseyoungdirectorsin the 1960s and 1970srevolutionizedcinema.
She isknownas one of cinema'sgreatactionheroines.
- Theysatin the backrowof the cinemakissingandcuddling.
- Can you give me aliftback from the cinematonight, Dad?
- I took herswimmingtocompensatefor havingmissedout on the cinema.
- I could just aboutsurviveon thatmoneyif I never went to the cinema,ateout or did anythingnice.
- We always have acartonofpopcornwhen we go to the cinema.
- Manypeoplewholovecinema havedeploredthedominanceof thesuperherogenre.
- He was aprominentfigureinRussiancinema.
Public entertainment venues
- amphitheatre
- amusement arcade
- auditorium
- bandstand
- bar
- beer garden
- beer tent
- bowling alley
- fleshpot
- free house
- gastropub
- gazebo
- go to the cinemaphrase
- opera house
- palace
- party tent
- pick-up joint
- picture
- playhouse
- wine bar
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema - general words