atoolormachinethat makesholes:
a dentist's drill牙钻
a drillbit(= thesharppartof the drill thatcutsthehole)钻头

Veerapong Boonporn/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Sheboredaholein thetreewith acordlessdrill.
- Hespokeabove thenoiseof thewhirringdrill.
- Do youknowhow to use apowerdrill?
- -pronged
- adjustable spanner
- adze
- Allen key
- auger
- awl
- gimlet
- gouge
- grapnel
- grappling iron
- grindstone
- guillotine
- pincer
- plunger
- prong
- rasp
- razor knife
- reamer
- sander
- trowel
anactivitythatpractisesaparticularskilland ofteninvolvesrepeatingthe same thing severaltimes,especiallyamilitaryexerciseintendedtotrainsoldiers:
(尤指军事)训练,练习In some of theseschools, army-style drills are used toinstilasenseofdiscipline.这些学校中有一些利用军训来培养纪律观念。
- Theprogramincludesphysicaleducation,targetpracticeandmarchingdrills.
- He waspleasedwith the team'sabilitytomovethroughtheirrehearseddrills.
- Everyone had tolearntheemergencydrill.
Exams, tests & exercises
- achievement test
- Advanced Placement
- AP
- aptitude test
- assessment
- can dophrase
- dictation
- external examination
- fail
- moderate
- oral
- pop quiz
- practical
- probationary
- proctor
- psychometric
- quiz
- re-mark
- rubric
- sit
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Military training & ceremonies
(alsodrill music)
astyleoftrapmusic(= akindofpopularmusicwithcomplicatedelectronicbeatsand wordsspokenratherthansung)thatstartedin Chicago and alsobecamepopularin London, and that isknownforitslyrics(= words)describingadifficultandviolentlifein anurban(=city)environment:
Thegrittylyricsof drillstronglycontrastwith thesubjectmatterofmainstreamhiphop, whichtendstoglorifywealth.
Chicago’sSouthSideproducedtheraw, unapologetic drillmusicscene.
Pop, rock & soul
- agit-pop
- anti-rock
- backing dancer
- backing singer
- backspin
- disc jockey
- DJ
- drum and bass
- dub
- electronica
- emo
- jukebox
- lyrically
- mod
- Motown
- New Age music
- pop group
- sampler
- trap music
- trip-hop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Types of music
what's the drill forsomething?
uk/drɪl/us/drɪl/drillverb(MAKE HOLE)
to make aholein something using aspecialtool:
(用特殊工具)钻孔;打眼Drill threeholesin thewallfor thescrews.在墙上打3个拧螺丝钉用的小孔。
They are going to drillforoilnearby.他们准备在附近钻探石油。
Making holes in things
- bore
- borer
- breach
- dent
- gouge
- hole
- perforate
- perforated
- pierce
- piercing
- prick
- probe
- punch
- puncture
- rebore
- redrill
- riddle
- undrilled
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
topractisesomething,especiallymilitaryexercises, or to make someone do this:
(尤指进行军事)训练,练习Wewatchedthesoldiersdrilling on theparadeground.我们观看士兵们在阅兵场上训练。
[Tusually+ adv/prep]
totellsomeone somethingrepeatedlyto make themrememberit:
(为记忆而)反复训练,重复灌输It was drilledintous at an earlyagethat we should always say "please" and "thankyou".我们从小就被反复告知总要记着说“请”和“谢谢”。
He drilled thechildreninwhat they should say.他一遍又一遍地告诉孩子们应该说什么话。
Repeating an action
- be at it againidiom
- be/sound like a broken recordidiom
- binge-watch
- bingeable
- blitz
- cycle
- go through
- Groundhog Day
- here
- here we go (again)idiom
- iterative
- rep
- repetitive
- replicable
- reprise
- reproduce
- reproducible
- reread
- rerun
- rewrite
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Military training & ceremonies
Saying again
Phrasal verb
drill down