dry aged
(alsodry-aged)uk/ˈdraɪ ˌeɪdʒd/us/ˈdraɪ ˌeɪdʒd/(ofmeat)lefthangingor on aframefor severalweeksbefore beingeaten:
(肉)干式熟成的Dryagedbeefis notdifficulttofindin highqualitybutchersandsteakhouses.干式熟成的牛肉在高质量的肉店和牛排馆里不难找到。
It has all therichnessone wouldexpectfrom a dry-agedsteak.它所具有的丰富味道符合人们对干式熟成牛排的期待。
- There's also a dry-aged rib-eye and anorganicallyraisedporkchop.
- TheT-bonefor two is 28ouncesofdryagedmeathungfor 28days.
- Whether thebeefyoubuyisgrainfedorgrassfed, you are going to get moreflavoursif it isdryaged,howeverexpensiveit may be.
- Agrilledrumpsteakmade with Britishbeef,dryagedfor 21dayson thebone, is afantasticdealat £13.75.
- Wetastedamoistnuggetofheavenlydry-agedsirloin.
- The arozconpato is aricewithseasonalveggies, dry-agedsearedduckbreast, andduckconfit.
Meat - general words
- barbecue
- breast
- butchery
- carrion
- charcuterie
- chub
- crown
- dry aging
- game
- joint
- lardon
- marrowbone
- meat
- meatiness
- pincho
- Quorn
- spring chicken
- tikka
- white meat