uk/ˈdaʊn.ʃɪf.tər/us/ˈdaʊn.ʃɪf.tɚ/someone wholeavesajobthat is wellpaidanddifficultinorderto do something that gives them moretimeandsatisfactionbut lessmoney:
(放弃难度大﹑高薪工作)选择做赚钱较少但有更多工余时间和满足感的工作的人,放慢生活节奏的人,慢活族He's noordinarydownshiftertradinghighearningsforruraltranquillity.他根本不是个慢活族,不会为享受恬静的乡村生活而放弃高收入的工作。
Thetruedownshifter - whether hebecomesaplumber, apotter, orunspecified"freelanceconsultant" - does notwantanyjobthattakeshim back to a 70-hourweek.真正放慢生活节奏的人,不管是改行成了水管工、制陶工,还是无定职的“自由咨询人”,都不想再干每周七十小时的工作。
- I was a downshifter before Ievenknewthe word.
- Postofficesmay beclosing,trainservicesreducedandpubsshuttingdown, but theurbandownshifter will stillfindplenty ofroaringruralcommunitiesout there.
- The othergreatfictionaldownshifter of the 70s was Peter Barkworth's back-to-basicsbankmanagerin Telford's Change.
Retiring & resigning
- abdicate
- abdication
- attrition
- bow
- bow out
- chuck
- chucksomethingin
- golden handcuffs
- golden handshake
- golden parachute
- leave the field open forsomeoneidiom
- natural wastage
- pension
- retire
- retiree
- retirement
- retiring
- serve out
- stand aside
- throw