adjective[before noun]
Some non-breedingbirdslivealong thecoastthroughouttheyear.
Theyoungoneslookmuch the same as nonbreedingadults.
- There is asubstantialnon-breedingpopulationlivingin theareaaround theharbour.
- The onlyspecimenknownto belivingin thewildis a non-breedingfemale.
- Sealionsgatherinsmallgroupsduring the nonbreedingseason.
- Some non-breedingindividualshelptheparentstobringup theyoungsters.
Animal reproduction
- androgen
- anti-oestrogen
- asexuality
- asexually
- barrenness
- calf
- embryology
- fertility
- fertilize
- fetal
- infertile
- procreative
- propagation
- rebreed
- remate
- repopulate
- reproductive
- semen
- spawning ground
- sterility