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driveverb(USE VEHICLE)A1[IorT]tomoveortravelonlandin amotorvehicle,especiallyas thepersoncontrollingthe vehicle'smovement: 开(车),驾驶 I'mlearningto drive.我在学开车。 "Are you going bytrain?" "No, I'm driving."“你乘火车去吗?”“不,我开车去。” She drives aredsportscar.她开一辆红色跑车。 They're driving to Chicago onTuesday.星期二他们要开车去芝加哥。 Wesawtheircaroutsidethehouseand droveon/past/away.我们看见他们的车在房子外面,然后就开车往前走/过去/离开了。 I drove mydaughtertoschool.我开车送女儿上学。 See alsodriving under the influence Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto take someone somewhere - takeI have to take my mother to the doctor today.
- go withI offered to go with him to the police station.
- come withCan you come to the hospital with me?
- accompanyChildren under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
- driveMy husband usually drives the kids to school.
- give someone a liftCan you give me a lift into town?
See more results » - Iaskedhim to drive moreslowly, but he didn't take anynotice.
- Thepolicefinedher for driving through aredlight.
- Thepolicespottedhim driving astolencar.
- We drove along anarrow,bumpyroad.
- She drives thekidstoschooleverymorning.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOn the road: driving & operating road vehicles - aquaplaning
- backsomeoneup
- behind the wheelidiom
- bike
- biting point
- boxed in
- branch off
- drive off
- jam
- pullsomeoneup shortidiom
- run away withsomeone
- satnav
- self-driving
- snow chains
- steer
- steerable
- ton
- undertake
- undertaking
See more results » driveverb(FORCE)C1[T]toforcesomeone or something to gosomewhereor do something: 驱赶,赶走;迫使,驱使 They useddogsto drive thesheepinto apen.他们用狗把羊赶进圈里。 Aposthad been driven(=hithard)into thegroundnear thetree.一根柱子被砸进了那棵树旁边的地里。 By the end of theyear, most of theoccupyingtroopshad been driven from thecity.到年底时大部分占领军都被赶出了这个城市。 [+ to infinitive]In the end, it was hisviolentbehaviourthat drove hertoleavehome.最终是他的暴力行为让她离开了家。 C1[T]toforcesomeone or something into aparticularstate, often anunpleasantone: 强迫,迫使,逼迫 In thecourseofhistory,lovehas driven men and womentostrangeextremes.在历史的进程中,爱情曾经迫使男人和女人做出荒谬极端的事情。 Recenteventshave driven thestockmarkettolowsnotseenin tenyears.近期的一系列事件在十年中第二次使经济陷入严重衰退。 drivesomeonemad, crazy, etc.B2informal to make someoneextremelyannoyed: 使…发疯/恼怒等Mymother-in-lawhas beenstayingwith us this pastweekand she's driving mecrazy.上周我婆婆一直和我们住在一起,她快把我给逼疯了。 See moredrivesomeonewildinformal to make you veryexcited,especiallysexually: (尤指在性方面)使…极其兴奋When herunshisfingersthrough myhair, it drives mewild!当他的手指掠过我的头发时,我兴奋极了! See more- Extremestresshad driven him to thebrinkof anervousbreakdown.
- Hisfamilycould notunderstandhow thisquiet,well-adjustedman could have been driven to thisterribledeed.
- Self-hatredapparentlydrove her tomutilateher ownface.
- Her husband'sviolentandabusivebehaviourdrove her to thevergeofdespair.
- She had herdemonsand,laterinlife, they drove her todrink.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCausing somebody to act - arm-twisting
- bludgeon
- bounce
- bouncesomeoneintosomething
- bulldoze
- bully
- forcibly
- holdsomeoneto ransomidiom
- impel
- impose
- jolt
- railroad
- ramsomethingintosomeone
- ransom
- reduce
- reducesomeonetosomething
- reimpose
- reimposition
- slap
- squeeze
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: driveverb(PROVIDE POWER)C2[T]toprovidethepowertokeepamachineworking, or to make somethinghappen: 驱动;推动 Theenginedrives thewheels.发动机驱动车轮。 Water drives theturbinesthatproduceelectricity.水驱动涡轮机发电。 [T]If you drive aball,especiallyingolforbaseball, youhitit hard so that ittravelsalongway: 猛抽,猛击(球等) Slater drove theballdownthefairway.斯莱特沿着球道奋力击球。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMachines - general words - 3-D printer
- animatronic
- automated
- automation
- backhoe
- chuck
- coffee machine
- convenience
- crankshaft
- flywheel
- Heath Robinson
- hoist
- mill
- shredder
- supersensitivity
- tabulator
- teleprompter
- telerobotics
- touchless
- water cooler
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Idiomsbe in the driving seat driveyourmessage/point home drivesomeoneto drink drive a coach and horses throughsomething drive a hard bargain drive a wedge betweensomeone Phrasal verbsdrive atsomething drive off drivenoun(ROAD)[C]used in thenamesof someroads,especiallyroadscontaininghouses: (尤用于沿途有房屋的道路名称)路,大道 [C]mainlyUK(alsodriveway)aprivateareainfrontof ahouseor otherbuildingonto which you can drive andparkyourcar:  Mint Images/Mint Images RF/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRoads: urban & residential streets - access road
- adopt
- adopted
- alley
- arterial
- boulevard
- crossing guard
- cul-de-sac
- grove
- high street
- lane
- lollipop lady
- parade
- plaza
- Rd
- row
- runnel
- st
- street
- unadopted
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: drivenoun(PLANNED EFFORT)[C]aplannedefforttoachievesomething: 有计划的努力;运动 Thelatestpromotionalmaterialis allpartof arecruitmentdrive.最新的宣传材料只是征兵运动的一部分。 UKI'mmeantto beonaneconomydrive at themoment, so I'mtryingnot tospendtoo much.现在我打算勤俭节约,所以正在尽量控制花销。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTrying and making an effort - A game
- all-out
- assault
- attempt
- attempted
- commitment
- crack
- go down swinging/fightingidiom
- go for itidiom
- go forsomeone
- go out ofyourwayidiom
- go the extra mileidiom
- nose
- seek
- smarten upyouractidiom
- spare
- square the circleidiom
- step on the gasidiom
- stick atsomething
- stick tosomething
See more results » drivenoun(COMPUTING)B1[C]adeviceforstoringcomputerinformation: 驱动器 a hard drive软/硬盘驱动器 aDVDdriveDVD驱动器 a CD driveCD驱动器 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesComputer hardware - 3-D printer
- beamer
- blackberry
- brick
- bubblejet
- card reader
- data projector
- flat screen
- gamepad
- hard drive
- microchip
- optical reader
- optically
- palmtop
- patch
- patch intosomething
- pen drive
- plug and play
- printer
- whiteboard
See more results » drivenoun(VEHICLE)B1[C]ajourneybycar: 驱车出行;驾车路程 It's alongdrive from Auckland to Wellington.从奥克兰到惠灵顿开车要走很长时间。 Shall wego for adrive thisafternoon?我们下午开车去兜风好吗? [U]thesystemused topoweravehicle: (车辆的)传动系统 acarwithleft-hand/right-handdrive(= in which thedriversitsin theseaton theleft/right).左/右座驾驶的汽车 afour-wheeldrivevehicle四轮驱动的车辆 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesJourneys - adventure
- break-journey
- carpool
- carpooling
- circumnavigation
- commuting
- expedition
- field trip
- flight
- haul
- jaunt
- journey
- junket
- layover
- odyssey
- ride
- sail
- stopover
- trip
- wanderings
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: The engine & engine parts drivenoun(POWER)C1[U]energyanddeterminationtoachievethings: 干劲;魄力;决心;欲望 We arelookingfor someone with drive andambition.我们在寻找有干劲、有抱负的人。 [+ to infinitive]He has the drivetosucceed.他有取得成功的决心。 Later on inlifethesexdrivetendstodiminish.人到晚年性欲往往会逐步减退。 [C](insport,especiallygolforbaseball) apowerfulhitthatsendsaballalongway (体育运动中,尤其高尔夫球或棒球的)大力击球 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMotives and reasons - causeless
- first principles
- from a place ofidiom
- ground
- hidden agenda
- impulse
- in the name ofsomethingidiom
- inclination
- mainspring
- motivation
- motive
- name
- object
- peg
- place
- rationale
- reason
- should
- why
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Feelings of desire Golf Cricket (Definition ofdrivefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)driveverb(USE VEHICLE)A1[IorT]tomoveortravelonlandin amotorvehicle,especiallyas thepersoncontrollingthe vehicle'smovement 开(车),驾驶I'mlearningto drive.我在学开车。 "Are you going bytrain?" "No, I'm driving."“你乘火车去吗?”“不,我开车去。” She drives aredsportscar.她开一辆红色跑车。 They're driving to Chicago onTuesday.星期二他们要开车去芝加哥。 Wesawtheircaroutsidethehouseand droveon/past/away.我们看见他们的车在房子外面,然后就开车往前走/过去/离开了。 I drove mydaughtertoschool.我开车送女儿上学。 driving while intoxicatedlawUSspecialized(abbreviationDWI) thecrimeofoperatingamotorvehicleafter havingdrunkmorealcoholthan you arelegallyallowedto 酒后驾驶(罪)Smith wasarrestedandchargedwith DWI.史密斯已被捕并被指控酒后驾驶。 - Iaskedhim to drive moreslowly, but he didn't take anynotice.
- Thepolicefinedher for driving through aredlight.
- Thepolicespottedhim driving astolencar.
- We drove along anarrow,bumpyroad.
- She drives thekidstoschooleverymorning.
driveverb(FORCE)C1[T]toforcesomeone or something to gosomewhereor do something 驱赶,赶走;迫使,驱使They useddogsto drive thesheepinto apen.他们用狗把羊赶进圈里。 Aposthad been driven(=hithard)into thegroundnear thetree.一根柱子被砸进了那棵树旁边的地里。 By the end of theyear, most of theoccupyingtroopshad been driven from thecity.到年底时大部分占领军都被赶出了这个城市。 [+ to infinitive]In the end, it was hisviolentbehaviourthat drove hertoleavehome.最终是他的暴力行为让她离开了家。 C1[T]toforcesomeone or something into aparticularstate, often anunpleasantone 强迫,迫使,逼迫In thecourseofhistory,lovehas driven men and womentostrangeextremes.在历史的进程中,爱情曾经迫使男人和女人做出荒谬极端的事情。 Recenteventshave driven thestockmarkettolowsnotseenin tenyears.近期的一系列事件在十年中第二次使经济陷入严重衰退。 drivesbmad, crazy, etc.B2informal to make someoneextremelyannoyed 使…发疯/恼怒等Mymother-in-lawhas beenstayingwith us this pastweekand she's driving mecrazy.上周我婆婆一直和我们住在一起,她快把我给逼疯了。 Heleavesdirtyclothesall over thefloorand it's driving memad.地板上到处都是他扔的脏衣服,真要把我给气疯了。 drivesbwildinformal to make you veryexcited,especiallysexually (尤指在性方面)使…极其兴奋When herunshisfingersthrough myhair, it drives mewild!当他的手指掠过我的头发时,我兴奋极了! - Extremestresshad driven him to thebrinkof anervousbreakdown.
- Hisfamilycould notunderstandhow thisquiet,well-adjustedman could have been driven to thisterribledeed.
- Self-hatredapparentlydrove her tomutilateher ownface.
- Her husband'sviolentandabusivebehaviourdrove her to thevergeofdespair.
- She had herdemonsand,laterinlife, they drove her todrink.
driveverb(PROVIDE POWER)C2[T]toprovidethepowertokeepamachineworking, or to make somethinghappen 驱动;推动Theenginedrives thewheels.发动机驱动车轮。 Water drives theturbinesthatproduceelectricity.水驱动涡轮机发电。 [T]If you drive aball,especiallyingolforbaseball, youhitit hard so that ittravelsalongway. 猛抽,猛击(球等)Slater drove theballdownthefairway.斯莱特沿着球道奋力击球。 Idiomsbe in the driving seat driveyourmessage/point home drivesbto drink drive a coach and horses throughsth drive a hard bargain drive a wedge betweensb drivenoun(ROAD)[C]used in thenamesof someroads,especiallyroadscontaininghouses (尤用于沿途有房屋的道路名称)路,大道12 Maple Drive枫树路12号 [C]mainlyUK(alsodriveway)ashortprivateroadthatleadsfrom apublicroadto ahouseorgarage (住宅通往大路的)私人车道Iparkedinthe drive.我把车停在私人车道上。 drivenoun(PLANNED EFFORT)[C]aplannedefforttoachievesomething 有计划的努力;运动Thelatestpromotionalmaterialis allpartof arecruitmentdrive.最新的宣传材料只是征兵运动的一部分。 UKI'mmeantto beonaneconomydrive at themoment, so I'mtryingnot tospendtoo much.现在我打算勤俭节约,所以正在尽量控制花销。 drivenoun(COMPUTING)B1[C]adeviceforstoringcomputerinformation 驱动器a hard drive软/硬盘驱动器 aDVDdriveDVD驱动器 a CD driveCD驱动器 drivenoun(VEHICLE)驱车出行;驾车路程It's alongdrive from Auckland to Wellington.从奥克兰到惠灵顿开车要走很长时间。 Shall wego for adrive thisafternoon?我们下午开车去兜风好吗? [U]thesystemused topoweravehicle (车辆的)传动系统acarwithleft-hand/right-handdrive(= in which thedriversitsin theseaton theleft/right).左/右座驾驶的汽车 afour-wheeldrivevehicle四轮驱动的车辆 drivenoun(POWER)C1[U]energyanddeterminationtoachievethings 干劲;魄力;决心;欲望We arelookingfor someone with drive andambition.我们在寻找有干劲、有抱负的人。 [+ to infinitive]He has the drivetosucceed.他有取得成功的决心。 Later on inlifethesexdrivetendstodiminish.人到晚年性欲往往会逐步减退。 [C](insport,especiallygolforbaseball) apowerfulhitthatsendsaballalongway (体育运动中,尤其高尔夫球或棒球的)大力击球 drive| American Dictionarydriveverb(USE VEHICLE)[I/T]totravelin amotorvehicle,esp. as thepersonwhooperatesit: [T]We drove 40milestovisitmyaunt. [I]She drove through Pennsylvania to Ohio. [I]She neverlearnedhow to drive(=operateacar). [T]I’ll drive you to thestation(= take you there in mycar). driveverb(FORCE)[T]toforcesomeone or something to gosomewhereor do something: He drove anailinto thewall. He was driven(= Hisactionswerecaused)bygreed. driveverb(PROVIDE POWER)[T]toprovidethepowerto make amachineoperate: Thewaterpumpis driven by awindmill. Idiomsdrive a hard bargain drivesomeonecrazy drivenoun(TRIP)[C]atripin amotorvehicle: We have a 200-mile driveaheadof us. [C]A drive is also aroadforcarsand is sometimes used aspartof aname: drivenoun(PLANNED EFFORT)[C]aplanned, usuallylong-lasting,efforttoachievesomething: Theuniversitysponsoredablooddrive(=efforttocollectblood)for theRedCross. drivenoun(FORCE)[C/U]strongdeterminationto do orachievesomething: [U]Intelligence isn’t enough – you’ve got to have the drive tosucceed. (Definition ofdrivefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)tocauseorinfluencesomething: be driven by sthThecountryneedstoshiftfrom export-ledgrowthtogrowthdriven bydomesticdemand. Thiscompanyis driven bycustomersand by themarketsin which we doourbusiness. tocausesomething toprogress,develop, orgrowstronger: Thefirmsaid it would drivesalesbyswitchingintolargerpremiseswhileclosingsmallerstores. Thecompanyyesterdayreportedrecordironoreproductionfor theyeartoJune, driven by aconstructionandmanufacturingboominChina. toforcesomething tohappenor someone to do something: drive sb/sth into/out of/to sthAnalysts say thesepolicieswill drive theeconomyintorecession. Theprospectof aconsumerboomhelpeddrive thestockmarketto newpeaksyesterday. be in the driving seatUK(alsobe in the driver's seat) to be incontrolof asituation: Withemployersfightingamong themselves forstaff, ITworkersare in the drivingseat. Hebelievesthere will beconsolidationin theairlineindustryandwantshiscompanyto be in the driver'sseatof anymerger. drive a hard bargain toexpecta lot inexchangefor what youpayoragreeto: Theunionsare driving a hardbargainonpay. Phrasal verbsdrive sth down drive sb/sth out (of sth) drive sth up [C]anefforttoachievesomething: drive for sthThesupermarketcontinuesinitsrelentlessdrive forexpansion. drive to do sthThey areexpandingtheirtelephonebankingserviceforsmallbusinessesin akeypartoftheirdrive tocutcostsandboostefficiency. arecruitment/marketing/cost-cuttingdrive [C]ITapieceofequipmentforreadingandstoringcomputerinformation: [U]energyanddeterminationtoachievethings: We'relookingfor someone with drive andambitiontofillthisimportantpost. drive to do sthShe has the drive tosucceed. See alsodisk drive economy drive flash drive hard drive sales drive tape drive test drive (Definition ofdrivefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/drive## |