aformalpartyat whichimportantpeoplearewelcomed:
欢迎会;招待会Thepresidentgavea reception for thevisitingheadsofstate.总统举行招待会款待来访的外国元首。
the way in whichpeoplereactto something or someone:
感受;反应;回应Her firstbookgotawonderful/warm/frostyreception from thecritics.评论家对她的第一本书反应很好/热烈/冷淡。
theactofwelcomingsomeone or something:
接待;迎接;欢迎The newhospitalwasreadyfor the receptionofitsfirstpatients.新医院已经可以用了,准备收治第一批病人。
See also
- I went toseethesalesmanagerbut got aratherchillyreception.
- Thepresidenthad ahostilereception in Ohio thismorning.
- She wasbuoyed(up) by thewarmreception heraudiencegave her.
- Whichfirmwill becateringat theweddingreception?
- Softdrinksandhorsd'oeuvres will beservedduring the reception and acashbarwill beavailable.
Celebrations, parties & special occasions
- afterparty
- April Fool's Day
- baby shower
- bachelor party
- backslapping
- dinner
- dinner dance
- Easter egg hunt
- fayre
- feast
- masked ball
- masquerade
- mela
- Mother's Day
- New Year's Eve
- tea party
- trick-or-treating
- Valentine's Day
- wassail
- wassailer
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Reacting and responding
Welcoming, greeting & greetings
theplacein ahotelorofficebuildingwherepeoplego when they firstarrive:
(旅馆或办公楼的)接待处,服务台,前台Ask for me at reception.要找我的话,到前台问询。
Isignedin at the receptiondesk.我在接待处登了记。

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- Please would youcheckin at the receptiondeskandsignyournamein thebook.
- We would like toremindallourgueststoleavetheirkeysat reception before theydepart.
- Newsecuritymeasuresrequireallvisitorstosignin at reception andweara visitor'sbadge.
- Uponyourarrival,pleasereportto the receptiondesk.
- Newsecuritymeasuresrequireallvisitorstosignin at reception andweara visitor'sbadge.
Parts of buildings: passages & entrance areas
- arcade
- archway
- breezeway
- concourse
- desk
- entryway
- gangway
- gateway
- hall
- hallway
- lobby
- marquee
- passage
- patio
- portal
- portico
- side entrance
- side return
- terrace
- vestibule
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hotels & hostels
thedegreeto whichmobilephone,radio, ortelevisionsignalsarestrongandclear:
(收音机或电视信号)接收效果,接收质量Thephonereception is reallybadout here in thewoods.电话信号在这儿的树林里特别差。
Weliveontopof ahilland so we getexcellentradioreception.我们住在小山顶上,所以收音机的收听效果特别好。
A newdigitalantennamightimproveyourreception.安装一个新的数码天线可能会改善接受效果。
See also
Broadcasting: radio
- aerial
- am
- antenna
- anti-jamming
- anti-radar
- autotune
- bandwidth
- beacon
- CB
- long wave
- LW
- medium wave
- multi-wavelength
- multichannel
- rating
- short wave
- shout-out
- tranny
- tuner
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Broadcasting: television
the firstyearofinfantschool:
学前班a receptionclass/teacher学前班/学前班老师
Schools in general
- admission
- assembly
- bailey
- blackboard
- blackboard jungle
- breaksomethingup
- bursar
- classroom
- fag
- jolly hockey sticksidiom
- language laboratory
- letsomeone/somethingout
- long vacation
- matron
- midterm
- pass
- seat
- sixth form
- staffroom
- year
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Classes & courses