slang(alsochiv)uk/ʃɪv/us/ʃɪv/aknifeor othersharporpointedobjectused as aweapon, often one that ishomemade:
(尤指自制的、用作武器的)刀,锐器Most often, shivs are used toconductthebusinessofgangs.最常见的,就是用刀子进行帮派生意。
They still mightsticka shiv inyourabdomen.他们还可能在你的肚子上插把刀。
See also
- Hereyesfellon the shiv that heheldlightlyin hishand.
- Hundreds ofinmatestook up shivs andshanksfashionedfrombrokenwoodenchapelbenchesandsteelbedframes.
- Mostprisonsservechickenpattiesbecause thebonesinpiecesofchickencan besharpenedinto a "shiv".
Hand weapons
- battleaxe
- bayonet
- blowgun
- blowpipe
- bludgeon
- catapult
- goad
- haft
- halberd
- harpoon
- hilt
- jackknife
- rapier
- sabre
- scabbard
- scimitar
- shanghai
- shank
- sheath
- sheath knife
slang(alsochiv)uk/ʃɪv/us/ʃɪv/-vv-toattacksomeone with ashiv:
用刀(或其他自制锐器)袭击Judith gets shivved in adrugdeal.朱迪思在一次毒品交易中被捅了一刀。
Thecourtwas told that afterknifingtheteenager, theattackertauntedhim, saying “What's it like being shivved?”法庭被告知,在用刀砍伤少年后,袭击者还用嘲讽的口吻说:"被刀砍是什么感觉?"
- They can'timaginethat he would shiv them in the back.
- He will have over a hundredyears' goodbehaviourbecause it's hard to shiv anybody while you aredead.