(alsoscarab beetle)
atypeoflargebeetle(= aninsectwith a hard shell-like back):
金龟子科甲虫,圣甲虫Scarabsstartedpouringout of theholesin thewalls.圣甲虫从墙洞里涌了出来。
The scarabbeetlewassacredto theancientEgyptians.圣甲虫对古埃及人来说是神圣的。

Juan Francisco Moreno Gamez/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Scarabsscurriedacrossthefloor.
- Weheardthefamiliarsoundof scarabbeetles.
- Scarabbeetleskeeptheforesthealthybymixingandaeratingthesoil.
Insect names
- anopheles
- ant
- aphid
- beastie
- bedbug
- daddy longlegs
- damselfly
- deathwatch beetle
- dragonfly
- dust mite
- housefly
- insect
- jigger
- ladybird
- lice
- sow bug
- spider mite
- stick insect
- swallowtail
- termite
asmallobjectorjewel(=preciousstone)in theshapeof abeetle(= aninsectwith a hard shell-like back), fromancientEgypt:
(古埃及人的)圣甲虫雕饰物In thetombshefindsachestcontainingscarabs withinscriptionson them.在墓中,她发现了一个箱子,里面装着刻有铭文的圣甲虫饰物。
TheancientEgyptians used flourite tocarvestatuesand scarabs.古埃及人用绿莹石雕刻人像和圣甲虫。

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- Shereceivedoldweavings from Peruviankids,smallwhitebeadsfrom Kenya, and asacredscarab from Egypt.
- He had alreadyacquiredanotablecollectionof scarabs from Deir el-Balah.
- TheancientEgytiansplaceda scarab over theheartwith aninscriptionthatinstructstheheartnot toactas ahostilewitnesswhen he isjudgedin the nextworld.
Ancient history: before 500 AD
- ancient
- ancients
- antiquity
- archaic
- Bactrian
- centurion
- Delphic
- dolmen
- Euphrates
- gladiator
- glyph
- Hellenic
- mummy
- necropolis
- Parthenon
- pharaoh
- procurator
- Qin dynasty
- Romano-
- sarcophagus
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