boba tea
uk/ˌbəʊ.bə ˈtiː/us/ˌboʊ.bə ˈtiː/(alsoboba[U])adrink,originallyfromEastAsia, consisting ofteamixedwithmilkorfruitflavours, to whichsmallballsoftapioca(= aplantsubstance)orjellyareadded. Thedrinkis thenshakentocreatebubbles. :
In thesummer, Igladlyexchangemymorningchocolatemuffinfor acupofcoldbobatea.
bubble tea

Urvashi9/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- People at themarketweresellingMalaysianmeatballs,papayasalad, bobateas, andfriedbananas.
- Bobateaoriginatedin Taiwan in the 1980s.
- This was my firstexperiencewithbubbleor bobatea, so Iaskedfor arecommendation.
- Themilkteaboba is $3.50.
Soft drinks
- apple juice
- Arnold Palmer
- barley water
- bitter lemon
- boba
- bottled
- dalgona coffee
- egg cream
- energy drink
- fizz
- frappé
- ginger ale
- milkshake
- near beer
- non-alcoholic
- noncola
- OJ
- slimline
- soda fountain
- soft drink