(alsonon-carrier)uk/ˌnɒnˈkær.i.ər/us/ˌnɑːnˈker.i.ɚ/someone who does not have aninfectionorfaultintheirgenes(=partsof theDNAincellsthat arepassedon fromtheirparents)thatcausesadisease:
Wecomparedtheriskofdiseaseincarriersto that in noncarriers.
Theincidenceofcanceramong non-carriers of thefaultygenewas verylow.
- Theycomparedtheincidenceofcancerbetweenfamilymemberswhocarriedthemutationand noncarriers.
- Younger non-carriers should not need to haveannualscreening.
- Of the 269casesexamined, 35% werecarriersof thegeneand 65% were noncarriers.
- Two of thepatientswerecarriersand nine were non-carriers.
Passing on illness & causing disease
- aerosolize
- catching
- community transmission
- contact tracer
- contact tracing
- disseminator
- epidemic
- harbour
- infected
- insalubrious
- noncontagious
- pass on
- percent positive
- pestilential
- positivity rate
- transmit
- transmittable
- unhygienic
- verminous
- virally