uk/nəʊz/us/noʊz/nosenoun[C](BODY PART)
thepartof thefacethatsticksout above themouth, through which youbreatheandsmell:
I had asorethroatand arunnynose(=liquidcoming out of the nose).我喉咙痛,还流鼻涕。
Come on now,stopcryingandblowyournose .好了,别哭了,擤擤鼻涕。
See also

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food & drinkspecialized
theparticularsmellof awine:
- She took out herhandkerchiefandblewher noseloudly.
- Menthol canhelptoclearyournose when you have acold.
- Herhandswerecoveredindustand she had ablacksmudgeon her nose.
- Shewonderedif she should take out her nosestudfor thejobinterview.
- She hadplasticsurgeryon her nose tostraightenit.
The head & face
- -cheeked
- -chinned
- -faced
- -necked
- cheekbone
- chin
- chiselled
- chop
- dimpled
- duck face
- frontal
- jowl
- mandible
- maxillofacial
- modiolus
- mug
- nucha
- nuchal
- physiognomy
- weak
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The head & neck of non-human animals
Wines & winemaking
Smells & smelling
thefrontof avehicle,especiallyanaircraft:
(车辆的)前端突出部;(尤指飞机)机头Thesymbolwaspaintedon eachsideof the plane's nose.飞机机头两侧都绘有这一标志。
Air travel: parts of aeroplanes
- aileron
- aisle
- altimeter
- autopilot
- bulkhead
- finny
- fixed-wing
- flaperon
- flight deck
- multi-engine
- nose cone
- propeller
- safety belt
- shell
- skid
- spoiler
- stabilizer
- starboard
- tail light
- wing
be (right) underyournose
by a nose
get upsomeone'snose
haveyournose in a book
have a (good) nose forsomething
keepyournose clean
keepyournose out ofsomething
keep/putyournose to the grindstone
nose in the air
nose to tail
not see/look, etc. beyond/past the end of your nose
on the nose
stickyournose intosomething
putsomeone'snose out of joint
(from) underyournose
[Iusually+ adv/prep]informal
tolookaround orsearchinordertodiscoversomething,especiallysomething that otherpeopledo notwantyou tofind:
窥探,打探(尤指他人不欲公开的事);搜寻There were somereportersnosingabout/around.有些记者在四处打探新闻。
Thepolicecame in andstartednosingintodrawersandlookingthroughpapers.警方到来后开始搜查抽屉,翻检文件。
- -seeking
- beachcomb
- beachcomber
- beachcombing
- body search
- bounty hunter
- divine
- hunting ground
- keepyour/aneye out forsomeone/somethingidiom
- leave no stone unturnedidiom
- lookout
- manhunt
- mudlark
- needle
- scout
- scrounge around
- search
- seeksomeone/somethingout
- seeker
- troll
[IorT,+ adv/prep]
to (make avehicle)moveforwardsslowlyandcarefully:
小心翼翼地行驶Thecarnosedoutof thesidestreet,itsdriverpeeringanxiouslyaround.司机一边紧张地四下张望,一边小心翼翼地把车驶出小路。
Hecarefullynosed hislorryintothesmallspace.他小心翼翼地把大卡车开进这个狭窄的空间。
On the road: driving & operating road vehicles
- aquaplaning
- backsomeoneup
- behind the wheelidiom
- bike
- biting point
- boxed in
- branch off
- coast
- drive off
- jam
- pullsomeoneup shortidiom
- run away withsomeone
- satnav
- self-driving
- snow chains
- steer
- steerable
- undertake
- undertaking
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Slow and moving slowly
Phrasal verb