not having aspecialpowertoinfluenceotherpeopleandattracttheirattentionandadmiration:
She issurroundedby noncharismatic men ingreysuits.
People will alwayschoosetospendtimewith acharismaticpersonratherthan a non-charismaticperson.
- Heropponentis thethoughtful,honest, but non-charismaticfinanceminster.
Inspiring dislike
- aversive
- cloy
- disgust
- dread
- dreaded
- gross
- grosssomeoneout
- ick
- it makes me (want to) pukeidiom
- puke
- repel
- repulse
- revolt
- sick
- unadmired
- unbeloved
- unlamented
belongingorrelatingtovariousgroupswithin theChristianChurchwho do notbelievethatGodgivespeoplespecialpowers, such as theabilityto makeotherswell again and tospeakto him in aspeciallanguage:
a non-charismaticbishop
- Very few non-charismaticchurcheshaveincreasedtheirmembership.
Christian denominations
- Anglican
- Anglo-Catholic
- C of E
- Calvinism
- Calvinist
- Congregationalism
- Coptic
- denominational
- ecclesiastical
- ecumenical
- Low Church
- Lutheran
- Methodism
- Methodist
- multi-denominational
- Proddie
- Protestantism
- puritanism
- reformation
- the Sally Army