dragon boat
uk/ˈdræɡ.ən ˌbəʊt/us/ˈdræɡ.ən ˌboʊt/aboatused forracing,designedanddecoratedin atraditionalChineseway tolooklike adragon, and made tomoveby manypeopleusingpaddles:
Popular inChinaand otherpartsofAsia,dragonboatracinghasspreadto more than 50countries.赛龙舟在中国和亚洲其他地区很受欢迎,已经传播到50多个国家。

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- When they are notworking, Hanoians can beseeneatingicecreamorfloatingon thelakeindragonboats.
- Zongzi aredumplingstraditionallyeatenduring the Dragon BoatfestivaleachJune.
- Theregionattractsgrowingnumbersofseakayakers, rowers and small-boatsailors, as well asdragonboatpaddlers.
- She was doingtimetrials,preparingfor this summer's US women'smastersdragonboatchampionshipsin California.
Boats & sailing craft
- amphibious
- buoy
- canoe
- cutter
- dhow
- dredger
- dugout
- flatboat
- gondola
- inflatable
- kayak
- ketch
- longboat
- pedalo
- punt
- rubber dinghy
- sampan
- sloop
- water taxi
- yacht