adjective[before noun]
with twoparts, orcombiningtwo things:
两部分的;二元的;双重的Thisroomhas a dualpurpose,servingas both astudyand adiningroom.这个房间有两个用途,既作书房又当餐厅。
the dualroleofchairmanandchiefexecutive董事长和首席执行官的双重角色
dual controls
two sets ofcontrolsin avehicle, one for thepersonwho islearningtooperatethevehicleand one for theteacher:
Theaircraftwasequippedwith dualcontrols.
dual nationality/citizenship
thenationalityorcitizenshipof twocountriesat the sametime:
She has dual British and Americannationality.她有英美双重国籍。
- Everything he says has a dualmeaning.
- Although she had the dualadvantagesofwealthandbeauty, she did not have ahappylife.
- Thesepainkillershave the dualstrengthofibuprofenandcodeine, forfastandeffectiverelief.
- Aproductwith dualaction- thatkillsbacteriaandremovesstains- is really thebest.
- Thecommunityhallwasdesignedfor dual use, by theschoolduringschoolhoursand by thepublicat othertimes.
Numbers: single, double & multiple
- alone
- bilateral
- bilaterally
- bipartite
- bipolar
- deka-
- double-action
- dualism
- himself
- individual
- lone
- multiple
- plural
- purely
- solitary
- trilateral
- trilaterally
- tripartite
- unilaterally
- unit