dual nationality
uk/ˌdʒuː.əl næʃ.ənˈæl.ə.ti//ˌdʒuː.əl næʃˈnælˈæl.ə.ti/us/duː.əl næʃ.ənˈæl.ə.t̬i//duː.əl næʃˈnæl.ə.t̬i/thestateof being alegalnational(= amember)of twocountriesat the sametime:
Theylivein London buttheirmotherisFrench- they werebornin France and havedualnationality.
There are many diffferentreasonswhy a Mexican-American mightseekdualnationality.
dual citizenship
- He does not need aworkpermitbecause of hisdualnationality.
- The man isbelievedtoholddualnationality.
- Dualcitizenship(alsoknownasdualnationality) in the UKmeansyou can be a Britishcitizenas well as acitizenof anothercountry.
- When you havedualnationalityyou arefreetolivesixmonthsin onecountrythen sixmonthsin the other.
- Unlikedualnationality,dualcitizenshipof thecountrygivesfullvotingrights.
Countries, nationalities & continents: country & nation
- birthright citizenship
- body politic
- coast
- countrywide
- cross-border
- domestic
- domestically
- dual
- dual citizen
- motherland
- nation
- non-indigenous
- non-national
- noncitizen
- nuclear power
- offshoring
- statehood
- superpower
- transnational