Thissoftwareisintendedfor non-commercial,educationaluse.
You can only useyourcarfor noncommercialpurposes.
A non-commercialrecord,film,book, etc. is notexpectedto belikedby a lot ofpeopleand make a lot ofmoney, but may haveartisticvalue:
She iscurrentlyrecordinga non-commercialalbumwith abandofexperimentalmusicians.
Thefestivalfeaturedlotsof noncommercialacts.
Non-commericalradioortelevisionis notpaidfor byadvertisements:
The show is beingbroadcaston a non-commercialstation.
Weofferreducedratesforindependentand noncommercialbroadcasters.
- Users maydownloadcontentfrom thiswebsitefortheirownpersonaland non-commercial use only.
- Thebankisownedby thegovernmentand has avarietyof non-commercialobjectives.
- There are anumberof non-commercialtechnicalforumsthatdealwith thisissue.
Business - general words
- Age of Exploration
- amortizable
- anti-commercial
- anti-commercialism
- anti-consumer
- contractual
- contractually
- coopetition
- cop
- corporate image
- lean
- locksomethingin
- m-commerce
- mercantile
- unbranded
- uncommercialized
- vertical integration
- virement
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Broadcasting organizations